Saturday, March 10, 2012

Not A Yak

Once more, back to the drawing board... Starting today off with another two-point perspective piece.
This one was drawn in my small sketchbook (which I don't use often) and was faster than my previous perspective drawing, partly since there are fewer details. I ended up fudging things a bit around the vanishing points and the subway cars are too short (or too tall), meaning I should have spent a bit more time planning things out and/or establishing a scale before randomly drawing stuff. Oh well - practice!

For the next one, I decided to try drawing something else I don't draw very often: animals. And since I like cats I drew, well, a cat - not a yak.
The smaller one (not to scale) was closer to what I was actually going for.

The last drawing for today is of Mal Vandor (only his alias), the main villain from a project that I refer to as "the Kyoujo RPG".
This is, I think, only the second time I've actually drawn this character and I followed the original character design fairly closely, at least for this drawing. The main pose is a bit awkward - I think the spear should probably be held closer to his body and there's still something wrong with the back leg (I think), though it's better than the first attempt.

Anyway, that's all for now.
Freak Out,

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