Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Narf A Day

Page 1 of The Word Smith, episode 4, has been posted.  I did some computer-based toning for the page but I don't know how long I'll keep doing that since it didn't seem to be a whole lot faster than colouring...  I'm really just experimenting with things to find out what reasonably fits into my time constraints.  Anywho, episode 4 takes place in the evening of the same day as the previous episdoes.

And to fill out the sketch book quota for the week, here's another page of hands:
This was drawn on Hallowe'en which explains why one has been severed.

Anywho, nothing else really exciting to comment on.  The pantomime I'm in got off to a good start so I shall take that as a sign that the universe approves of it.  Or something.

Until next time,
Freak Out

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Once More Unto the Weeb

Well, I didn't manage any further progress on episode 4 this week, but I said I'd start posting it this week so that's what I'm going to do, gosh darn it, and with any luck I'll be able to make it through to the holidays without any delays.  In any case, the title page for episode 4 of The Word Smith is available at the usual haunt.

I thought it might also be mildly interesting to show the pencilled version of the title page:
For the final version, I decided that I wanted the Word Smith banner to be a bit more prominent so, through the magic of tracing paper, I lowered the central character and then copy-pasted the banner from the episode 3 title page into its final position on the coloured version.

Anyway, that's pretty much it for this week.  The pantomime I'm in opens later this week, so I've been sequestered in the theatre all weekend and have had/will have dress rehearsals last night and tonight.  I'm looking forward to next week when things mostly go back to normal - there will be shows three nights a week, but no rehearsals.  Yay!

Freak Out,

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Splorg Splorg Revolution

Last night was the pantomime I am in had their first rehearsal in the actual theatre space that we'll be performing in.  There was a set.  It was actually made of wood!  This feels like a big step up from cardboard.

Anywho, I'm still not quite as far along as I would like to be with episode 4 of The Word Smith before starting to post with it.  If I'm not by next week, I'll just go ahead and start posting it anyway and concede that there will be gaps in my posting schedule or whatever.  In the meantime, here's some design sketches:

This is an evolving set of design sketches for a monster known as the King of All Splorgs that appears briefly in episode 4.  Haven't settled on the final desig yet, but I've got a little while yet before I have to decide.

This was actually done as an exercise for this term's comic workshop - a comic with no characters.  I used it as an opportunity work out a bit of location design for episode 4 (which will start showing up around page 3).

Anyway, that's all for the present.  Look forward to the start of episode 4 of The Word Smith next week.

Freak Out,

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Not the Face

So!  More stuff from the sketchbook this week.  To start off, I've drawn another page of the New Adventures of The Freak in the Cape:
Along with this comes the usual disclaimer that more of these will be drawn if and when I have the time, motivation and inspiration to do so.

And to fill the Word Smith void, such as it is, here's some character design for a couple of characters that will be appearing in episode 4:
One of these characters is important, the other less so, but which is which shall become apparant at some undisclosed time in the future.

Until then,
Freak Out