Friday, January 22, 2021

Intentional Blankness

 You wait... time passes...

As it turns out there's been nothing much happening in this space.  Of course, there's been lots happening in the world, but I have neither taken the time nor had the motivation to write anything about it or anything else, at least not on this blog.

I do keep meaning to find some use for this blog, but again, time and motivation have been working against me.  Also, figuring out things to say takes effort and my creative efforts have been channelled elsewhere.  While none of that is likely to change much, I may nevertheless make an effort to write up some posts regarding the major project that I have been engrossed in for the last few years or so.


I make no promises, and it's not like I have an audience, so this is likely to be for my own amusement, whichever direction it goes.

Enough rambling for now,

Freak Out
