Sunday, November 30, 2008

One With the Worms

I am down to the final week of my countdown. I had been thinking of doing a daily countdown during this last week, but I suspect the week will be over before I know it so there doesn't really seem much point. I'll probably chime in again before the last day, though.

Also, I went to see an Arrogant Worms concert last night in Hamilton with a couple of friends. It's for their new CD, Torpid. As always with the Worms, it was quite entertaining and there was a good mix of songs from the new album along with favourites from the older albums.

Freak Out,

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Two weeks, two weeks,
the Cape-Freak(*) cried
'till freedom is at hand!

I've waited days, nights,
hours long
rubber ducks and marching bands!
-From "Two Weeks, The Cape-Freak's(*) lament"

The above is an excerpt from the beginning of a, somewhat nonsensical, poem that a friend wrote in response to a complaint from me, via e-mail, that there were still two weeks to go in my second co-op term (the job was terribly dull). So, now, when I'm two weeks away from a transition, I sometimes like to quote it. I'll have to see if I can dig out the full version from my e-mail archives... if I still have them somewhere.

In any case: two.

Freak Out,

(*) Replacing my real name with my internet alias

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Three, rhymes with pee (*)

Freak Out,

(*) Yay, toilet humour!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

We Learned Chinese on Tuesday

As part of my effort to stave of boredom in my final weeks at work, I tend to browse the web for various things that tickle my fancy at any given time. This past week, I was reading through some on-line Chinese lessons. As I was doing so I thought: "It's Tuesday today. Huh."

That is all.

Freak Out,

Sunday, November 9, 2008


It's less than five, but more than zero.

Freak Out,

Thursday, November 6, 2008

How Bad Could It Be?

Came across a "Terrible Crossover Fanfiction Idea Generator" and got some amusing ones, including this:

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Final Fantasy 7 and Harry Potter.
The story should use a seemingly routine day as a plot device!

Generated by the Terrible Crossover Fanfiction Idea Generator

Freak Out,

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So Boring...

Aaaaagh. Work is soooo boring right now! I don't really have much to do... Part of the reason I gave six weeks notice for quitting was so that they'd know not to give me any new things to do since I'll be leaving in the near future and obviously can't start anything major since I won't be around to finish it. Having finished off the two new features I was working on, I'm basically just fixing bugs and beefing up documentation. Except... there've been very few bug reports, meaning either there just aren't many, or QA just hasn't gotten around to testing the stuff. I'm inclined to believe it's the second. So that means that I'm mostly doing documentation and whatever little things I can dig up, and it's boooooooring!


Oh well, there could be worse things. Anywho, before I run along, just a quick "congratulations" at the result of the American election. I'm glad to see Obama won.

Freak Out,

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Ok, so I probably shouldn't be counting down as that will just make things seem to go by slower, but I'm going to anyway.

FIVE more weeks left at my current job.

That is all.

Freak Out,