Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Lot of You

Beyond all odds, it would seem that the penultimate episode of The Word Smith's fourth episode has crawled its way onto the internets and can be found here.  The page ended up being a bit busy and may have worked better being spread over two pages, but, well, them's the breaks, I guess.  Something to bear in mind for the future.  Stay tuned next week for the episode's stunning conclusion.

And here are the thumbnails for pages 8-11:
If one were so inclined, or had nothing better to do, one could easily find some differences betwixt the thumbs and final pages, notably page 11 (my not completely illegible hand writing at the bottom of the page 11 thumbs is basically noting intended changes for the final page).

And last week I totally completely entirely forgot that I was going to post a scan of the pencils for page 10 since I hadn't posted any page pencils for a while so, here they are:
There are also some fairly obvious changes between the pencils and the final page.  Most notable are panel 3 (I redid the pencils for the two characters in the lower right between when I scanned this and when I inked it) and the last panel (I sometimes draw in background elements after inking foreground stuff).

Anywho, that is, I think, all there is for this week.  And  next week is... next week.

Freak Out,

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bovine Rampage

Guten Tag, internets.  How are you on this wet and dreary winter morning?  (This is a rhetorical question; I am not expecting an answer.)  To chase away those winter blahs, why not read page 10 of episode 4 of The Word Smith?  It's not like you've got anything better to do, right?  (This is also rhetorical.)

To follow that up, here is today's sketchbook entry:
Just a potpourri mix of various characters.  (Note that chibi-freak is doing part of the dance from the song in 1-2 for this year's FASS - if you don't know what that is then it's not important.)

Well, that is all for this week.  Nothing deep and insightful today, I'm afraid, not that there ever is mind, but there's always the chance.

Freak Out,

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Cat's Meow

Hey, look, page 9 of episode 4 of The Word Smith is online.  It may even be a thing, or whatever.  Regardless, it looks like everything is going according to plan.  Hopefully page 10 will be ready for next week, but there's a chance there might be a slight delay or an interlude instead.  I blame FASS (and so should you.)

And now, on to today's sketchbook entry:
This is a bit of a redesign of one of the characters from the occasionally mentioned Kyoujo RPG.  In particular, this is Mirayrl Aiyew Prurrj Trelarrl, who is basically a supporting, though playable, character.  I seem to have been doing some updating/redesign of some of my FR and related characters of late (especially some of the less frequently drawn ones) so there's bound to be some more of them showing up here in the future.

In other news, FASS is over, I have survived it and life returns to some semblance of normality, whatever that is.

Freak Out,

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Leaping Into Action

If one were to look, one would surely find page 8 of The Word Smith's fourth episode is now online and it would seem that things are afoot...

And it looks like today's sketchbook entry is...
And attempt at some chibi-style drawing, or something.  The expression on that one at the end might be a tad creepy.  Oh  well, I'm sure you can all handle it.

In other news... not much!  It's FASS show week this week which means general business and stuff, but it'll be all over this weekend and then back to the regular routine next week.  So, stay tuned, and stuff.

Freak Out,