Thursday, June 30, 2011

Page Two

Page two of the mini-comic is complete! There's not really much to say about this one. The main difference between page two and page one is that I did every thing for page two by hand, including lettering - and I apologize for making everyone read my hand writing. I also inked a larger percentage of the page with the brush this time, but otherwise my process was pretty much the same as for page one. Some things didn't turn out like I'd hoped, but, well, I guess that's part of the learning experience. Anyway! This means I'll be starting page three in the near future - guess I'm about half way done!

Freak Out,

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Some Random Blather

In an effort to get past some writer's block today, I spewed out the following:

Run to the border, because if you don't run, you'll have to walk, and if you have to walk, you'll wear the soles off the bottom of your shoes, and if that happens, you'll have to get new shoes. Or perhaps you'll wear off the bottom of your feet until you're reduced to walking on the stubs of your ankles and that would just be all sorts of awkward, not to mention likely causing balance issues. So, it's up to you, really. Will you run, or will you end up waddling along on the bloody stumps of your ankles, all because you were too lazy to go out and buy some new shoes? I know, I know, it doesn't seem fair - after all, why should you be forced to go out and buy new shoes if you're happy with the ones you have now? And why not sandals? Or slippers? Or maybe you feel like being all glamourous and wearing some high heels, even though that would mean you're cross dressing. Or at least your feet would be, even if the rest of you wouldn't be. But if you're going to do that, why not go all the way? I mean, what's stopping you? Oh, sure, society might still not entirely approve of that sort of thing, but who am I to judge? And lets be honest here, it's just not the sort of thing you can half-ass, nope, it's either all the way in, or not at all. Which brings us back to those shoes - don't you think they're looking a little ratty? Which isn't to say you have rats in them, or that you wear rats on your feet (goodness no, now that would be more than a little weird, wouldn't it?) but that they're - how can I put this kindly... well, I can't, really, they look like crap. Your shoes really do look like crap. Now, normally I wouldn't point this out, I don't habitually go around telling people their shoes are crap, after all (that would be weird too, not to mention a little neurotic), but when I see an eyesore like that, well, I just can't help pointing it out. I might laugh, too, but now, that would just be mean. So you come in here, wearing shoes that look like all it would take to make them disintegrate would be nothing more than a good sneeze and I have just one question to ask: would you like to super size your tacos? Because we can totally do that. You could even wear them on your feet, you know, if you wanted to.

Freak Out,

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Character Design Part 4

This is the last part of the character design for my mini-comic: one of the waitresses at the Street Meet Cafe (rough sketch below).

I actually ended up putting the character into the first panel of page 1 which was not originally planned so I did the quick rough sketch while in the process of drawing that panel. The more detailed design was not done until more recently. For the purposes of this project, the character is a minor one, but there's an off chance she'll become more important should I decide to continue this project (most certainly not a guarantee or anything) so I did a bit more of a detailed design than my other minor characters.

The "action" pose was meant to be some sort of discus throw type thing, but didn't really turn out how I wanted. That's a problem - I'm not really particularly good at doing action-y poses, but I suppose one of the points of this project is to get some practice at things like this. The above version is actually the second attempt - I erased the original pose and redrew it. The second one turned out better, even if it still wasn't really what I was trying for.

I also ended up doing another quick sketch with another variant on the pose. I think I like this one better (for the most part), even if it still needs work!

Lastly, I also did a quick sketch on an alternate design of The Word Smith's mask (it's actually loosely based on the logo for the Final Fantasy Distant Worlds concerts):

And that's it for character design! Since I don't expect that the process for the remaining pages will be much different from the first page, I'm not likely going to do any in-progress posts like I did for page one and will just post the remaining pages as I finish them. Not having a deadline like I did for the first page, the other pages might take a while, but we'll see!

Freak Out,