Saturday, December 27, 2008

Of Time Warps and Spoony Bards

Amonst various things, I got the Nintendo DS remake of Final Fantasy IV for Christmas. Been playing a bit and enjoying it so far, and I was glad to see that Tellah's "Spoony bard" line was still in the updated script (he said more after that than I remember, but his quintisential quote was unchanged) - I rather suspect that a lot of long-time fans would have been disappointed had it not been there. I've actually been having a slight bit of a disconnect while playing the DS FF IV. It sounds pretty much exactly how I remember it, but it looks different, even if map layouts are the same. That aside, been liking the remake thus far.

And speaking of time warps, I also got the DS port of Chrono Trigger. It seems to be more or less the same as the SNES version (with some added content), but I'm looking forward to delving into it once FF IV and my replay of FF X-2 are finished. Chrono Trigger is probably the game I've played through the most times, easily one of my favourite RPGs, so, w00t!

That's all for now.

Freak Out,

Sunday, December 14, 2008

One Week

It's now been about a week since my last day of work, and I have to say I haven't missed it. At all. This past week has been so relaxing! And it's not like I haven't done anything, either. I've been putting some time in on one of my projects and have made some decent progress - in fact, I feel like I've been at least as productive as I generally was for an average day at work, and so far I've only been doing project work in the afternoons. It goes to show, I think, that working on something I care about, and feel invested in personally and (possibly most importantly) have some actual creative control over, as well as control over how I spend my time, can make a big difference in how motivated one is - or at least how motivated I tend to be.

Just three more weeks until I start the PhD, so hopefully I'll be able to make some good progress on the project by then.

Freak Out,

Friday, December 12, 2008

Roving Observations

On my way home from errands this morning, I found myself briefly behind a mini-van with a license plate that said "EMBRO". Now, I know Embro is small and insignificant, but it's still remarkable that they managed to stuff the entire village into a single mini-van.

Or perhaps they're all a bunch of clowns.

Freak Out,

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I have recently started (re)watching the fifth season of Sailor Moon, as I am planning on making an AMV (anime music video) using footage from it to the Arrogant Worms song "Boy Band". Those of you familiar with the season can probably guess what I'm going to be focusing on. Links will be posted here whenever I get it complete (hopefully sometime this month).

Anyway, as I was watching the season, it occurred to me that most of the senshi get a bit shafted in the transformation sequence department - most of them appear to get stuck with essentially the same transformation throughout all five seasons, whereas Sailor Moon more-or-less gets an upgraded transformation periodically (I want to say each season, but I'm actually not sure on that).

Oh well, I suppose that's one of the perks of being the star of the show.

Freak Out,

Thursday, December 4, 2008

One Day More

It's been a tradition of mine for a while, since my very first coop work term back in undergrad, I think, that when I've got one day left in something of which I am looking forward to the end (such as my work terms), I would listen to "One Day More" from Les Miserables. It is a good tradition, I think, so as I type this, I have put on my Les Mis CDs and will listen to the whole thing since its been a while since I've listened to them and they're good music. And, of course, "One Day More" will be in there somewhere.

Anyway, Freak Out,

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Political Theatre

After a rather dull, shall I say boring, federal election this fall, it appears that we've actually got some interested drama (or perhaps, melodrama) on parliament hill. The opposition parties seem to be poised to form a new coalition government should the Tory minority government fall to an impending confidence vote. Of course, the Tories are likely to do some political manoeuvring of their own so who knows how it'll end up. Might make for some entertaining viewing in the mean time, more so than our normal political fare, at any rate.

And, whilst I am posting: THREE.

Freak Out,