Saturday, October 25, 2008

Musical Convocation

The UW orchestra played at convocation this term (which was today). To prepare, we had our regularly scheduled rehearsal time on Thursday night, then dress rehearsal for convocation last night and finally played for both the morning and afternoon convocations today. As a result, I'm a little orchestra'd out, so I think the cello will be neglected a bit for the next couple of days.

Not much to say about the convocations themselves. The chancellor's speech was the same at both of them, as far as I could tell, at least. I also noticed that one of the PhDs in the afternoon convocation (which was the math, CS, engineer, science types) had a Star Trek tie that looked exactly like one I've got, though I've not worn it in years and years, seeing as I generally try to avoid wearing ties whenever possible.

That is all, Freak Out,

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wark! Wark!

It's official now - I've submitted my "two weeks" notice at work. I put that in quotation marks as it's really a month-and-a-half notice, so as to give them hopefully sufficient time to get a good start on finding a replacement before I leave. My end date is Dec 5, which will give me about 4 weeks off before starting in on my PhD, depending on when exactly classes start.

And that, as they say, is that.

Freak Out,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Elections and Other Annoyances

I'll start with the other annoyances.

Today was the first day back at work after my four day weekend. I was greeted with over 100 messages in my in-box, most of which were due to people being stupid. It seems that, some time Monday afternoon, whilst I was blissfully not at work due to Canadian Thanksgiving, some employee (presumably from one of the American offices) thought it would be a good idea to send what was essentially spam to pretty much the entire company, though, granted, it could have been an honest mistake. However, this was followed by people using reply to all to basically say "wtf?", despite being repeatedly told (including at least once by an admin) to NOT USE THE REPLY TO ALL button. Of course, people kept doing it, because, well, they're dumb.

Frankly, it does kind of amaze me that people have to be told to not use reply to all for something like that in the first place, let alone need to be told repeatedly not to do so and then keep on doing it. I mean, it's not like 99% of the people getting all those e-mails could actually do anything about it, the only person that needed to be replied to at all was the original sender. For my part, I would have (and did) just ignored and deleted the original message - and that is in fact what the CIO told people they ought to have done in the first place in a message today basically admonishing people for being stupid. (Though he didn't actually call them stupid, but probably should have.)

Anyway, moving on... today is the Canadian federal election. Joy. The one good thing I have to say about it, is that it's super convenient that I'm able to cast my vote in the building I live in - and I did so, pretty much right after walking into the lobby with basically no wait. But as to the election itself, I have to say that it's unfortunate that our political leaders are so, well... lame. They're all fairly uninspiring. Oh well. I've done my bit for democracy, so all I have to do now is wait and see how it all turns out.

Freak Out,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Chocolate Omelettes

I had an omelette for dinner this evening and took the opportunity to try a little experiment. You see, a while back, when I had some chocolates (rolos, I think, but I don't recall exactly) on hand and was making an omelette, I had the temptation to dump a couple of chocolates into the mix to see what it was like, but I did not follow through at that time. I've currently got some Hersey's Kisses on hand and decided to drop a couple into my omelette this evening to see how it would turn out.

The results were inconclusive. First, I think I need more than two piece of chocolate, and second, I probably need to melt them a bit before hand so that they can get distributed more evenly throughout the omelette.

Something to keep in mind for next time.

Freak Out,