Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Quantum of Something or Other

So, for today, we start of with a little bit of character design for another potential project that I'm pondering pursuing (yes, yes, another one, I really should have learned by now).
This was actually the second piece of character design, but I didn't really like how the first one turned out so I'm not going to bother posting it.

Next up, I decided to do a title page design for the second episode of The Word Smith.
I've also been working on the inking for episode two of The Word Smith and it's almost done, though that doesn't necessarily mean that it'll actually be finished any time soon - whenever I get around to it, really.

And that's all for today.  Stay tuned next time which will be just as exciting!  Or, well, maybe not.  Your excitement levels may vary.  Much like an electron.  Check your orbitals now and be careful of incoming-


Freak Out,

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Food Stuffs

No internal (or external) monologues today so I'll just get straight to the point.
The goal with this drawing, besides more practice drawing what I see, was to practice some shading and shadows.  The knife is there mainly because I felt there needed to be something else in the scene and I was like "hey, I'll just grab a kitchen knife..." and is not a metaphor or anything like that (and I don't tend to be that deep anyway).  Although, if I'd made the jar a jar of peanut butter and put some bread in the background, it could have been a treatise on the perils of sandwich making or something.  Oh well, maybe next time.

Next up is a new set of thumbnails:
I suppose the common theme here is that both of today's pictures involve things that can be found in a kitchen.  The thumbnails are for the one-off thing I mentioned a few posts back in conjunction with some character design.  I think I'm going to try drawing this one digitally on the new cintiq that the lab got recently (which is very nice, by the way).

And that, as they say, is that, at least for today.
Freak Out,

Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Bunch of Stuff

So I thought to myself "Hey, Freak!"


"You know, you've got a bunch of pencil crayons you never use."


"Maybe you shoud, I dunno, use 'em, or something."


"I dunno.  'Cause they're there?  And it'd be fun?"

"Yeah, I guess."

(Note:  conversation may not have happened exactly as depicted.)

Anyway, for a bit of a change of pace I decided to do a drawing in colour:
And of course, I drew Gillin, probably my most-drawn FR character.  I used a set of Prismacolour pencil crayons (yeah, the brand name is spelled without the "u", but as a card-carrying Canadian, I'm physically incapable of spelling it anything other than "colour").  Not sure if I really like working with pencil crayons or not - it's a bit grainy and I'm not sure if that's the nature of pencil crayons, the texture of the paper I'm using or inexperience (or some combination thereof).  Maybe I'll try again at some point with different paper and see if it makes a difference.

Moving on... we come to another of my FR characters, but one that has not previously appeared in this blog.
This is Merv J. - I've never really decided on what the "J" stand for.  He's a merchant, part-time antique collector and fancies himself something of an adventurer (spoiler:  he's not, really).  The orb-like object he's shown holding is one of his prize antiques.

And lastly for today are some design-type sketches of The Word Smith:
The goals here, more than anything, was to try to establish a bit more of a consistent construction for the character so most of the construction lines have been left in.  Not sure how successful I was in that.  Also, a couple of random hands, just because.

That's all for today.  Until next time,
Freak Out

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

About Face

It occured to me that "composing" is one letter away from "composting".

Anyway, today's post is all about faces.  I love punny titles, don't you?  Of course you do.  Trust me.  You.  Do.

Be that as it may, I decided it was time to draw another of my FR characters in a semi-realistic style, this time, Kyoujo:
As with my previous effort in this regard, the hair was kind of interesting since manga-style hair tends to be rather gravity defying and Kyoujo has so much of it.  I probably should have toned down the ponytail for this version.

And for door number two, I also decided it was time to try my hand at another self-portrait attempt:
It seems to be a better approximation of me than my previous attempt, but there's still lots of room for improvement.  For this drawing, I took a picture of myself rather than looking in the mirror for reference and I think having a subject that wasn't constantly moving around helped.  It is also a totally random coincidence that I was wearing the same shirt when I took the picture that I used for the drawing as I was when I did my first self-portrait.

And that is all for the present.  Until next time,
Freak Out

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Weekend Whatever

Lets just dive in without any witty (or other) preamble.
It's The Pen (still haven't gotten around to picking these characters' actual names...) working on something or other.  The background is more-or-less drawn in one-point perspective, though I was being rather loose with it and didn't worry too much about some of the details.

Ended up trying another dragon.  Didn't really turn out quite like I was aiming for and I prefered the previous one, but figured I'd upload this anyway.  Make of that what you will.

And finally, a little bit of quick character design:
This is for a (hopefully!) one-off thing that I'm considering doing that's related to the poster I submitted to an upcoming graphics conference (which, incidentally, was accepted).  I do seem to be somewhat predisposed towards being incapable of doing one-off things, however, so we'll see how that goes.

Anyway, that's all for the nonce.
Freak Out,

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


The long weekend was moderately busy, so I didn't get around to posting anything.  Not that there are any negative repercussions of that such as the end of the world or other perhaps less drastic things.  Anywho, without further ado, here's todays stuff (and maybe some things).

I decided it was time to practice hands some more.  This time, taking a crack at drawing hands interacting with props.
If drawing hands is tough, then drawing hands interacting with things is even worse!  These were a bit painful to draw (in some cases actually physically - holding my katana for the top-left pose got a bit tiring!), but I suppose it'll get a bit easier with practice and that is, after all, what this is all about.

For the next one, I don't usually draw fanart, but I decided to take a stab at drawing Celes from Final Fantasy VI:
It's based more on the Yoshitaka Amano art of her rather than her ingame sprite (though obviously not trying to mimic Amano's style).  In particular, I used the artwork that appears in the manual for the GBA version, since that's what I have.  A copy of it can be seen here.

Anyway, that's all for today's batch.  Until next time,
Freak Out

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


On the trend of attempting to draw things that I don't normally draw, I decided to try my hand at something vaguely mechanical:
The design is somewhat loosely inspired by the Magitek Armour from FF6, though this is obviously less steampunk in appearance.

I also decided to do a bit of practice with various facial expressions:
The bottom row turned out better overall than the top row, so I'll just consider the top row to be my warm-up, as it were.

And that's all for today.  Until next time,
Freak Out