Saturday, August 5, 2017


The Word Smith is still on hiatus, for the one or two of you out there who might actually care (in much the same way that one views an annoying relative).  I have been meaning to do a write-up of one of the projects that was responsible for pushing The Word Smith onto the back burner, namely a 2D sidescroller:

However, that project has already received a write-up here so there doesn't seem much point to dedicating a full blog post to it.  I'll only add that the scope of the project was never meant to be a full game, rather it's more a coding demo for use in my job search and an opportunity to learn some new things.  At most I intend for it to be a single level, though how much further it goes might depend on how the job search works out.

Instead, today, I thought I'd say a few things about a much older project, one which I think it's finally time to try and turn into some sort of reality.  The project has been rather long running (though it has seen long periods in which nothing much happens on it) and to try and move things forward I've put together a note wall:
The goal of this is to help to visualize an overview of the entire plot and it also puts it somewhere where I can't help but look at it on a daily basis which will hopefully force me to set aside some time to work on it at least semi-regularly.  I made a similar sort of note wall for working out the plot outline for The Word Smith and it seemed to be useful.  Note that the creatively named "Final Area" is currently blank - that's one of the parts of the game that have never received much attention.  Whenever I resolve to make progress on the darned thing I always seem to start from the beginning which means that the first two or three areas have seen several revisions at this point with much less for the last couple.  Also, any resemblance the blue post-its have to the outline of a fish is purely coincidental; the individual post-its each represent a location and are arranged roughly geographically within each area.

Here is a close up of the "Terdain" area which is the game's first area:

So with any luck this setup will help me make some progress.

Until next time,
Freak Out