Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's Tuesday

Currently working on pencils for episode 3 of The Word Smith (about half done), part of which requires doing some additional character designs.  These are for some background characters that may not really get much notice, but there's a chance they may show up again in the future so I should at least try to be consistent.  All this is to say that today's post is showing some of the design for one of these characters.

These were the two initial design sketches for a mad-scientist type character.  At some point after those, I did the final design sketch:

I apparently decided I preferred the second of the two original sketches.  While his feet got cut off, he's supposed to be wearing flip-flops.  He's eccentric like that.  Eccentrically evil, or evilly eccentric.

Anyway, that's all for today.  Until next time,

Freak Out,

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Title That Has Nothing to do With the Post

Just one thing today so I'll get right to it.

It's the third page of "The New Adventures of The Freak in the Cape".  As before, I'm doing these when motivation and inspiration strike in some relatively coordinated manner, so no guarantees on timing (or existence) of future pages.

Freak Out,

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I've done a few pages worth of drawing hands in the past so I thought, for something different, I should practice drawing feet.  Yeah.  Sounds exciting.  Are you ready?  Because it might just be a little too exciting and I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt by all the excitement.  Well, here goes...
Zapow!  There.  Can you feel the excitement?  If so, might want to take something for that.  Oh,  and there's one hand in there.  Can you guess which one it is?  Careful, it might be tricky.  (Hint:  it's the hand.)

That was so exciting that I thought I'd ramp it up a bit more.  Turn it up another notch.  Up to eleven.  Maybe twelve or even plaid.  Ready?  Hold on, it's about to get nuts.  Squirrelly, even.
It's Cape-Freak!  And what's with that pose?  Does he think he's Sephiroth or something?  (Hint:  no.  Besides, Kefka is much cooler anyway.)

And that's all for today's exciting episode of The Freak Report.  Tune in next time, whenever that is.

Freak Out,

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

This is a post. It is about some things.

Well hello again internets.  It's time again for a journey of some sort.  Allow your mind to transport you to a fantastical realm where reality is nothing but a figment of your imagination.  Or don't.  It's all up to you, really.  I mean, who am I to say what you should do?  No need to get defensive or anything.  Sheesh.

Um, anywho, how about some drawings of debatable merit?
Some character design for episode 3 of The Word Smith.  I'll probably get rid of (or alter) that jacket for the final version.  At least, that's what I'm currently thinking.  (Well, not currently as in this instant, but, you know, in a more general sense.)

And some potential designs for a character that will be appearing in episode 5.  I may play with the design some more before it's finalized, however.

Anyway, that's today's, uh, stuff.  It seems that I have started working on the thumbnails for episode 3 for The Word Smith so I may not end up doing as much sketchbook drawing whilst I work on that episode.  Not, I'm sure, that the internets are really all that concerned about that.

Whelp, until next time.

Freak Out,

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Canada Day

It's Canada Day and what better way to celebrate than post some drawings that have nothing to do whatsoever with Canada Day, other than being drawn by a Canadian.

Continuing on with the character design that I started last time with an individual shot of each of the characters.  I went from right-to-left in the order that they appeared in the group picture (for no particular reason) - see previous post.  This is the first of the three g4m3rz.  Yes, that's Saturn-on-a-stick.

The second of the three g4m3rz.  Running with daggers is only slightly less dangerous than running with scissors.

And the last of the three g4m3rz.  Yes that is an oven door being used as a shield and that is a pizza emblazoned on his tabard.  He's a Master Chef, you see.

Anyway, that's all for now.  Have a happy fireworks day.

Freak Out,