Thursday, February 20, 2014

And We're Back!

We now resume the regularly scheduled episode of The Word Smith!  New page found here.  Of course, when I say "regularly" I most likely mean "sporadically", but what can you do?  Whilst I'm going to try to get back into the once-per-week update schedule, it may be a more "it's done when it's done" type of thing.  Not, I'm sure, that there's anyone waiting with bated breath for the next page, but whatever.

In other things, FASS is over again for the year.  I had to wear a suit and tie as my costume this year which was quite traumatic, considering I haven't worn a tie in six or seven years and it's been even longer since I've worn a full-on suit.  As a result, I felt the need to draw the following, warning of some of the many perils of wearing a tie:
It was quite cathartic.

Whelp, until next time,
Freak Out


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Recap Episode

As part of gearing up to resume The Word Smith, I put together a short "recap" of episode 6 so far which at the typical place.  Of course, one could just go and reread the previous episode pages, but whatever.

Since this week is FASS week, there probably won't be any new pages for The Word Smith for another week or two yet as I get back into the swing of this whole semi-regular comic update thing, but things should be resuming in the near future.  And there was much rejoicing...

Anywho, here is the pencil version of today's recap:
And here is the pencil version of the previous interlude:
And with that,
Freak Out