Monday, December 24, 2012

Interloping Interlude

No new Word Smith pages this week (as I mentioned before, things are on hiatus until sometime in January), but there is an interlude (in colour) up for viewing (dis)pleasure.

And because I feel like babbling a bit more, here's the original sketchbook version:
It's showing The Pen and her brother having a sibling moment with their in-game characters pictured behind them.  As revealed in episode 3, The Pen's real name is Samantha; I actually agonized over this for a while before settling on the name as nothing was really jumping out at me as an obvious choice.  However, once I'd settled on The Pen's name, it was relatively easy to pick her brother's name:  Samuel (I don't know if it will ever appear in an actual episode as he's a relatively minor character).  I also rather suspect that they're twins, also a fact that seems unlikely to surface in an actual episode.  Oh well, we shall see.  We shall see.

That is all for today.  With a little bit of luck there may be another interlude next week, but no guarantees one way or the other.

Have a Freakish holiday,
Freak Out

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Posting in Space

Aaaaaaaaand page 4 of episode 4 of The Word Smith is online.  Phew!  Guess I managed to get it done by my target time, but introductions will have to wait until next year.

I'm not entirely sure when I'll resume posting The Word Smith in the new year; that may depend somewhat on how much (if anything) I get done over the holidays.  Hopefully the next page will appear before the end of January - that seems doable, but no promises.

While The Word Smith will be on hiatus over the holidays, there may be some interludes of some sort appearing in the interim.  Watch this space, or stare off into space, or something, whichever seems most productive and/or least painful.

And, as is my wont, here are some recent entries from the sketchbook.  Like last week, they are both Word Smith related.  Enjoy!  (Or don't, it's not like I can force anyone to, after all.)

Here's another picture of The Pen's in-game character in a sort-off running-ish pose.  At least, that's what it was meant to be.

And here is The Word Smith, brandishing the Grammar Hammer.  He hasn't been seen since the first page of episode 4, but don't worry as he shall be putting in an appearance.  Oh yes.

Anywho, that is all for this week.  Stay tuned for something sometime in the indeterminate future.

Freak Out,

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Googly Eyes

The next page of The Word Smith is up.  Go read it, or else... you won't have read it.  Hmmm.... I wonder if I need to work on my motivational techniques.  In any case, I should be able to get page 4 done before disappearing for the holidays for some unspecified length of time.  And after that?  Who knows?  (Not me, that's for sure.)

Page 3 was based on the "comic with no people" I posted about a month ago.  The actual layout for this page was done before that in thumbnails, but the people-less comic was used to flesh out the locale from what existed in the thumbs (the bottom panel from the people-less comic will be the first panel of page 4, when it is done).

And this week I think I feel like posting two pictures from the sketchbook.  Excitement.

It's The Pen, looking someone put upon as she often does (and is) in both "civilian" clothes and her fencing/sidekick gear.

And next up is The Pen's in-game character, Taramir, crouched and ready to spring into action (no, she's not constipated).  Taramir last appeared in this blog about six months ago (unnamed at the time).  She also appears in the title page for episode 4.

Well, that is pretty much it for this week.  The pantomime is over and seems to have been a success so no I return to my regularly scheduled life, or some semblance thereof.

Freak Out,

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

No, It's Not Done Yet

Hey, it's time for another page of The Word Smith!  It looks like there'll be another page next week as well, but after that, all bets are off.  Maybe I'll stop early for the holidays.  Or I'll say that, anyway.  Yeah.

And I think for this week's sketchbook entry, I'll just leave this here:
This was drawn about a week before Hallowe'en (so I'm posting things out of order - gasp!) as part of this terms comics workshop.  It's a word ladder comic based on a simple word ladder thingy.  The words in my ladder are underlined.  Naturally, I ended with CAPE.

That is all.
Freak Out,