Monday, March 29, 2010

Projectile Blogging

The FASS AGM was held over this past weekend which is where I officially became CSW and included the final theme selection for next year's FASS. Theme selection is done by a voting process after presenting the top four or so themes that were selected at the Theme Meeting. Four themes were presented this year and the one that emerged victorious was "Myths and Legends" which should make for an interesting script. I'm going to try to work in Jason and the Arrrrrrgonauts somehow, and possibly also the Ninjas of the Round Table.

I have also been working on my final project for the non-photorealistic rendering course. My project is on simulating Greco-Roman style mosaics. It is still very much a work in progress, but here's a sample of my interim results:

There are obviously still some problems - holes that need filling and whatnot - but it should give the basic idea of what the end goal should produce.

Freak Out,

Monday, March 15, 2010

Shooting Stars

The third assignment for the non-photorealistic course I'm taking has been submitted. This assignment continued on a similar vein from the last one and focused on aspects of ornamental design. In particular, the assignment covered tiling theory and Islamic Star Patterns. It's all very geometrical, really, based around tilings of the plane with regular polygons.

As per usual, there are some pictures to look at here, with some more of the details here for those who are interested.

-Freak Out

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Pot For Me?

So, a few things happening lately, some larger, some smaller. First off, the big thing is that I seem to find myself as the Chief Script Writer for FASS 2011, which means I'll be guiding the script writing process for the next several months. Yay me? I dunno, I may be a touch crazy to do this, but I figure since I'm all done my course requirements after this term that it should be manageable, for the most part, without driving me too insane. We'll see, I guess.

And speaking of courses, even though I'm only taking two courses this term, somehow everything still ends up being due at the same time so I'm spending a lot of time finishing things up this weekend. A lot of it is done already, but it still takes time to do the write-ups and deal with all the little details and tweaking that manage to pop up. The same thing happened for my last set of assignments too - both courses were due on the same day. At least this is the last batch of assignments, though I've still got a project to do for each course.

In unrelated news, I've been playing a bunch of Dissidia: Final Fantasy (fighting game involving characters from various Final Fantasy games for the PSP)- when I haven't been working, of course - and have been quite enjoying it. Chaos, the "end boss" was quite tough - far tougher than any of the other fights - which makes me inclined to say the developers may have gone a little overboard with him. Even having beaten Chaos, though, there's still lots left to do in the game, which is good since, as I said, I've been enjoying it (despite Chaos being a cheating bastard).

Freak Out,