Thursday, June 3, 2010

Star Trekking

Last night I went to a concert by the K-W symphony orchestra with a couple of friends, my brother (though he's not a Trek fan) and my sister-in-law. This wasn't what you might call a regular concert as the orchestra was playing the music of Star Trek. This included themes from several (though not all) of the movies and most of the television series. As I first started watching Star Trek with The Next Generation (it was still airing new episodes at the time), that theme was, for me, probably the most iconic.

The concert was hosted by John De Lancie (Q) and Robert Picardo (The Doctor on Voyager). The concert, as a whole, was quite entertaining and I was particularly amused when the hosts referred to the Governor General as "The Queen's Grand Negis." Some of the concert goers were in costume (though not a lot) - most were in Star Fleet uniforms though there were a couple of Klingons in the audience. There were also several orchestra members in costume, which I thought was rather nice for them to be allowed to do that.

Anyway, it was an entertaining evening and also quite nostalgic at times.

Freak Out,