Friday, February 27, 2015

Let's Something

So... no Word Smith page this week.  (Episode 8's off to a great start, ne?)  This is partly because I one panel is being a little more difficult than usual, partly because I haven't been quite as diligent with things as I could have been and partly due to fine tuning dialogue and related things.  In the end I decided not to rush things and just push the page back to next week.  However, this post isn't just to say how lazy I am or to waste time when I could be doing something more productive, no, I also wanted to make an...


In addition to my (semi-)regular Word Smith updates, I am going to start a pseudo-let's play of Final Fantasy XI and wanted to get some of the preamble out of the way.

What's a "Let's Play"?

For those who might not be familiar with the concept, a Let's Play is a thing where someone plays through a game and posts about it in some form.  The Let's Plays that I peruse are primarily presented on forums using screenshots and various commentaries.  Depending on the person doing the Let's Play and on the game being played, sometimes reader's are asked to vote on how to progress through the game.

Why is this a "pseudo" Let's Play?

Well...  that's because I'm not currently playing Final Fantasy XI.  See, FF XI is an MMO and, while I played it for a while, I'm not currently subscribed to it and have no plans to restart.  Thus, I will be relying on my collection of screenshots for the Let's Play, supplementing it with outside sources as necessary.  It also means that there won't really be any reader interaction in deciding how I proceed, other than maybe voting on the order in which I cover certain things.  Anyone who is interested should still feel free to ask (relevant) questions in the comments and I shall do my best to answer.

I am also quite happy to talk to myself on the interwebs if there are no comments/questions.

If you're not currently playing it then why bother?

Because I feel like it.  Also, I'm considering this to be part of my tongue-in-cheek recaps of each final fantasy game.  As FF XI is different from most other FFs, I thought I'd do the recap in a slightly different manner.  This also means that the tone of the Let's Play is likely going to often lean towards the sarcastic/snarky side of things.  But we'll see how things play out.

So how is this going to work?

I plan to make one post a week until I'm through all of the major storylines in FF XI and I will try to make the first post this weekend.  I may talk a bit about game mechanics and other non-story stuff as I progress, depending on feedback.  So I guess my first question to anyone who's interested is:  how much detail should I include?

Freak Out,

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Irony: Good for the Blood and Keeps Your Clothes Wrinkle Free!

What is this?  Can it be?  I think, perhaps, it is...  That's right, the title page for the eighth episode of The Word Smith is live on the internets!  Now quick, put it back in its bottle before it makes a mess of things.

I'm hoping to get back to my one page per week schedule (more-or-less, anyway) though it's always possible that I'll miss a week here and there.  Stay tuned to find out!

Freak Out,

Thursday, February 5, 2015

This Space Unintentionally Left Blank

It seems like I probably fail at blogging, not that the internet cares.  Regardless, the gap betwixt posts has been longer than intended.  Not that I've had much to blog about, but whatever...

Anywho, the only real purpose of making this post is to indicate that there is a new interlude for The Word Smith in the usual place.  I am aiming to start posting episode 8 sometime in the next couple of weeks.  The script is (more-or-less) done and thumbnails are coming along.  I just have to set aside time to start drawing the actual pages.

And with that,

Freak Out,