Saturday, October 29, 2011

In the Dark

The comic workshop continue to plug along. This week, I've got two images to post, one in-class exercise and another being a homework assignment.

First, we were talking about lettering and word balloons this past week and the in-class exercise was to create a one-page comic with no pictures, so here's mine:Yeah, yeah, plutonium doesn't work that way - it's comic logic, after all.

For the homework, we're currently going through a series of assignments that has us making a one-page comic based on a short story provided by the textbook, starting with thumbnails, then penciling and finally inking. The process is not entirely unlike what I did for The Word Smith mini-comic, but I figure I'll document it here anyway. Below are my version of the thumbnails:
We were allowed to modify the dialogue to suit our sense of humour. While I didn't modify much dialogue per se, I added some, such as mention of spleens (because "spleen" is a funny word).

That's all for now. I guess I'll post the pencils when I get them finished.

Freak Out,

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