Monday, April 6, 2009

Just When You Thought it was Safe to go Outside...

So, before heading to school this morning I look out the window and see this (taken at about 10:00 AM):


Not, I suppose, that this is unheard of for this time of year, but I don't have to like it, dammit!

Normally I work at home on Mondays since there's usually nothing I have to be on campus for, but we had our last marking meeting today, meaning we've got the last batch of assignments to mark for the term. Why it just wasn't on the Friday like normal, I don't know. Anywho... one of the assignments in my batch is just a resubmit of the previous assignment. Part of me wonders if this was just an honest mistake on the part of the student, but from what I know of how the submission process works, they'd have to have actively renamed the assignment files which makes me think it wasn't a mistake. Additionally, this assignment has one more question than the previous assignment and the last question in the submission is duplicated which even more leads me to think that this is just an attempt to get sympathy marks or something. Oh well, makes it easy to mark, at any rate.

Well, that's all.

Freak Out,

1 comment:

Pegraelian said...

Yes...I heard Ontario was suppose to get snow on Monday. Mwa-ha-ha! And I was running outside in just my sports bra in Edmonton! (Granted it was only like 10C, but that feels pretty tropical compared to what we've been experiencing.) If it makes you feel any better, Edmonton has not fully gotten rid of it's snow. We haven't seen the grass without white trim since December.