Thursday, December 11, 2008


I have recently started (re)watching the fifth season of Sailor Moon, as I am planning on making an AMV (anime music video) using footage from it to the Arrogant Worms song "Boy Band". Those of you familiar with the season can probably guess what I'm going to be focusing on. Links will be posted here whenever I get it complete (hopefully sometime this month).

Anyway, as I was watching the season, it occurred to me that most of the senshi get a bit shafted in the transformation sequence department - most of them appear to get stuck with essentially the same transformation throughout all five seasons, whereas Sailor Moon more-or-less gets an upgraded transformation periodically (I want to say each season, but I'm actually not sure on that).

Oh well, I suppose that's one of the perks of being the star of the show.

Freak Out,

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