Saturday, July 23, 2016

Summer Vacancy

Due to a little bit of writter's block concerning some dialogue in one of the panels plus a couple other distractions over the past week, the final page of The Word Smith's ninth episode arrives on the weeb a day later than intended.

Nevertheless, that's the end of the episode.  Next week will be the episode nine unfaq after which The Word Smith will be taking a hiatus, as I usually do betwixt episodes.  However, this is likely going to be a bit longer than usual as I feel like I need to focus on some other projects a bit more than I have been of late.  I don't have a specific date for resuming The Word Smith, but it's likely to be late summer or early fall at the earliest.

In the mean time, in addition to the unfaq next week, I may post some interludes and maybe some stuff about some of these other projects.  I'll try to have something filling this space regardless.

Until next time,
Freak Out

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