I set aside some time over the weekend to finish the digital version of page 3 of the mini-comic, shown below on the left to show off my photoshop n00bness in all its glory. For comparison, the hand drawn version is on the right. One thing to point out is that readers will notice that a couple of panels in the digital version are missing backgrounds. That's because I decided to add in those backgrounds after I'd scanned in the original pencils. The background for the panel in the lower left corner was also added after scanning originally, but I decided to draw it in the digital version in photoshop since it counterbalances the panel in the upper right.
Left: digitally inked version of page 3; Right: hand inked version. (Gah... you'll probably have to click on the right hand image to see all of it 'cause blogger's too narrow. Oh well. Also grr... I just noticed I forgot to colour in the Word Smith's mask in one panel of the digital version. Oh well. Not going to worry about it now!)
I also ended up leaving the pencils in the digital version since I decided I was too lazy to remove them (plus I screwed up a bit and drew some stuff on the background layer so I couldn't just go and delete it... oops) so you can see some of the pencil drawings underneath.
This now officially concludes the mini-comic project, though I seem to be having some bad thoughts... I've had various random ideas related to continuing the project (such as the Word Smith's origin story) so I might actually do some more with it. We'll see, I guess...
Freak Out,