I first played Final Fantasy Tactics on the PlayStation, shortly after Playing FF7. I bought it used whilst I was in undergrad, not really knowing anything about it, mostly on the Final Fantasy name. As it turned out, I ended up liking Tactics a lot. The plot was a lot heavier on political intrigue than most Final Fantasies, though there was of course some fantasy-esque stuff going on in the background. I ended up sinking quite a bit of time into the game, especially exploring the "Deep Dungeon".
I really liked the battle system which was more involved than most FFs and based on the job system used by several of the other games in the series, though it alsa was more detailed bringing a wider array of abilities (for the most part) and greater degree of flexibility in character customization.
So, when a PSP port was released (subtitled The War of the Lions) I knew I would eventually end up getting a copy. It was, in fact, my main motivation for getting a PSP in the first place. Had Square done nothing other than a straight port of the PlayStation version, I'd still have gotten it because, hey, it's a portable FF Tactics, which in itself is awesome. However, the PSP version saw several improvements and addtions.
For one, it received an all-new translation since the original one was, to put it kindly, less than stellar. This also fixed some naming issues with some of the jobs. For example, in the original, White Mages were called Priests, despite the fact that they were clearly the White Mages of Final Fantasy tradition. The PSP version also added a couple of new extra characters and a couple of new classes. There was some rebalancing of existing characters and classes, such as the Arithmetician (formerly Calculator) which was slightly harder to unlock, but not by too much. Math Skills are still overpowered though, and as always quite fun and potentially self-destructive to use :) There are also a couple of new multi-player modes which I have not had the opportunity to make use of yet.
Overall, I've quite enjoyed playing through The War of the Lions, just as much as I did the original. In some ways, the new translation makes it seem like a new game, while at the same time having a familiar, nostalgic feel to it.
Anyway, my "not so short" plot summary is in the post below this one. Perhaps I shall do a summary for FF 12 next, despite not originally planning on doing one since it was released after I started my FF series replay.
Freak Out
Friday, December 31, 2010
A (not so short) Plot Summary of Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Tactics
- Some crusty old historian, a scholar of medieval Ivalice history, going by the outlandish moniker "Arazlam" gives us an introductory lecture on the War of the Lions, a war of succession.
- He talks about Delita Heiral, known as a hero who helped end the war, but he claims that not all was as it seems, claiming that another overlooked young man was the true hero - one Ramza Beoulve - his role having hitherto been concealed by the church, now revealed in the Durai papers and we are invited to discover the truth.
- Then we get a new version of the opening cutscene with some guy in gold armour (hi Delita) riding a chocobo through a forest along with some other brigands.
- The scene changes to the interior of Orbonne Monastery where princess Ovelia is praying under the watchful eye of Simon the priest and Knight Agrias.
- The princess' escort is here, Gaffgarion and his band of mercenaries (including Ramza) employed by the Order of the Northern Sky.
- Suddenly, a wounded knight stumbles in with word that the enemy's forces, Duke Goltanna's men, have arrived. They rush off to do battle.
- The battle is one, but whilst we were out playing with sharp objects, Delita snuck into the monastery and kidnapped the princess. Agrias and Ramza can't get to them quick enough and can only watch as Delita escapes with his quarry, though Ramza does recognize him.
- This leads us into a flashback...
Chapter 1: The Meager
- The scene is the Royal Military Academy in Gariland City. After losing the 50 years war, soldiers returning from the frontlines have become disenfrachised and have lost their livelihoods, many turning to theivery and plotting against the crown. Some apprentices discuss the situation.
- The Corspe Brigade has been attacking wains in the vicinity of Eagrose Castle, some say Duke Larg is coming to Gariland along with Marquis Elmdore of Limberry.
- A Knight of the Order of the Northern Sky comes in with an assignment for the apprentices. The order is planning on eliminating the Corpse Brigade with the help of Duke Larg, which will leave Eagrose undermanned so the cadets are to bolster its defenses.
- Another knight comes in with news that some thieves are fleeing to Gariland, so the apprentices get to do some warm-ups. A battle in town ensues with the cadets emerging victorious.
- Afterwards, Ramza has a short flashback to his father's death - Barbaneth Beoulve was a hero of the 50 years' war. Also in attendance were Ramza's older brothers, Dycedarg and Zalbaag, and his sister, Alma. Barbaneth has made arrangements for Ramza's friend, Delita (a commoner) to enter the Academy and tells Ramza he'll need someone he can trust, like Delita.
- Then its off to Eagrose Castle, but in Mandalia Plain we encounter a young hot head by the name of Argath whose gone and gotten himself captured by members of the Corpse Brigade, so we intervene on his behalf. Turns out Argath is an apprentice of Marquis Elmdore and the Marquis was just abducted by the Brigade so Argath wants our help to rescue him. Well, I guess he gets to tag along for now...
- We arrive at Eagrose Castle and go talk to Ramza's brother Dycedarg. Argath tried to get Dycedarg to send troops to rescue the Maquis immediately, but Dycedarg basically told us to mind our own business and garrison the castle
- Whilst cooling our heels we run into Ramza's other brother, Zalbaag and his sister Alma. Zalbaag lets out a few not so subtle hints about a spy that's disappeared near the merchent city of Dorter and muses that investigating that would probably be more interesting that guarding a stuffy old castle.
- We also meet Delita's sister, Tietra and Argath whines about how his family used to be more respectable until his father (or was it an uncle?) sold out to the enemy during the 50 Years War and got himself stabbed in the back. With Argath's bellyaching over with (for now - you just that boy's gonna be trouble) I guess we'll wander on over to Dorter to see what's going on.
- Arriving in Dorter, we witness an exchange between two knights. One is using his skills of persuasion (that being the tip of a sword) to find out the location of one Gustav, but he flees when he catches wind of us (guess we'd better go bathe)
- As the knight retreats and the other one calls in his lackies, Delita thinks he recognizes him from somewhere. Turns out the one doing the "persuading" is Weigraf, leader of the Dead Men, a volunteer group in the 50 Year's War, now head of the Corpse Brigade
- After a brief battle, Ramza, Delita and Argath question the hapless knight that was bullied by Weigraf with Argath applying his own brand of persuasion. Seems that kidnapping Marquis Elmdore wasn't Weigraf's idea, but rather Gustav's, the Brigade's second in command. It is presumed that Gustav is no hiding in Zeklaus Desert to the north, so off we go to play in the sand.
- We arrive in the desert at the "Sand Rats Seitch" and overhere some disgruntled members of the Corpse Brigade discussing management. Sounds like they don't like the way Weigraf is running things and think that Gustav's approach of ransoming off Marquis Elmdore is more likely to lead them to an early (live) retirement.
- Of course, know that we've overheard them nobody can leave without a fight, so we mop up the sand rats and then head into their hideout.
- We find Wiegraf and Gustav having a somewhat pointed discussion concerning their differing management styles, to the point where Wiegraf runs Gustav through. Guess that's the end of that. Wiegraf tells us that kidnapping's not his thing (too lowbrow) and tries to bargain the marquis release for us sparring his life.
- At first, Argath doesn't want to let Wiegraf go, but he sneaks out regarless whilst we argue amongst ourselves. As for the Marquis, he's weak but otherwise live so it's back to Eagrose for him.
- Back at Eagrose, Ramza's brother Dycedarg chews everyone out for abandoning their post and going off to chase the Marquis, but then Duke Larg enters and congratulates us anyway. Then, Dycedarg lets us join in on the final offensive against the Corpse Brigade and we wander off like good little soldiers.
- With our group out of earshot, Dycedarg and Larg comment that Gustav was apparently not the right person for the job, implying that they were behind the kidnapping of the Marquis. The old King is rather ill and the two nobles seem to be scheming...
- Our next destination is the Brigands' Den, just south of Mandalia Plain. There we encounter a group of the Corpse Brigade, led by Milleuda, younger sister of Wiegraf. She seems like a rather anti-establishment sort, so we beat up her and her lackies. After the fight, Ramza offers her mercy (though Argath makes it well known what he thinks of her sort and further illustrates that he is an ass) though she doesn't appreciate us for it and limps off the battle field.
- Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Death Corpse stages a daring raid on the Beoulve Manse, kidnapping Tietra and almost absconding with Alma as well if not for Zalbaag's timely intervention. Dycedarg is injured in the process.
- We learn of the incident when we return to Eagrose Castle. Dycedarg says that they're poised to deal the death blow to the Corpse Bridage and tells Delita that they'll do whatever it takes to rescue his sister first.
- Outside, Argath insists that Dycedarg is lieing as there's no point to save a common girl. Delita decks him, but Ramza tries to calm everyone down. Argath continues to demonstrate that he is an elitist ass and Ramza tells him to get lost. As a parting gift, Argath says that he overheard that the last of the Bridage is holed up inside Ziekden Fortress.
- As we get under way, we decide to make a pit stop at the Mandalia Plains where Ramza and Delita reminice about bygone days and squander precious time playing the reed flute.
- The fort is well guarded, so we take the roundabout scenic route, starting at Lenalian Plateau north of Dorter. Here we encounter Milleuda again with a group from the Brigade as they try to find a way out of the highlands. One of the Brigade suggests surrender but Milleuda will have none of that. She's adamantly opposed to any and all nobles, just for them being nobles and decides that today would actually be a rather good day to die. A fight ensues with, perhaps, predictable results. (Hint: we win.)
- Next stop is the scenic Fovoham Windflats, complete with windmill. Quite the tourist spot. But this is no tourist photo-op today. Inside, Weigraf and Gragoroth (the guy who led the raid against the Beoulve manner) are discussing the prisoner (Tietra) with Weigraf once again acting all noble-like about not taking hostages, ordering Gragoroth to release the girl.
- A monk enters who tells Wiegraf that the enemy (that's us) approaches and that Milleuda, his sister, is dead. This leads to an angry confrontation with Wiegraf. We force him to retreat but after the battle we discover that Gragoroth has disobeyed Wiegraf's orders and has fled with Tietra, presumably to Ziekden Fortress as that's the last place left to go.
- At the fort, we find Gragoroth facing off against Argath, Zalbaag and a couple of knights using Tietra as a human shield. He is kind enough to inform the knights that there's a whackload of gunpowder stockpiled in the fort which would make a lovely explosion. When Zalbaag tires of the conversation he orders Argath to shoot the hostage, which the bastard does, following up with a bolt in Gragoroth.
- Wounded, Gragoroth withdraws into the fort. Zalbaag withdraws to deal with approaching enemies leaving the rest to Argath. Delita flies into a rage and Argath brings in some back up. All to no avail, however, as we deliver a sound beating to Mr. "I'm better than thou."
- As Delita cradles his dead sister, the fort starts to explode, forcing Ramza to retreat, though Delita stays to enjoy the bonfire.
- Ramza muses that he rain away from his crumbling life as things got rough which brings us back to the present, back outside Orbonne Monastery. Agrias intents to pursue the princess' kidnapper and Ramza decides to tag along to find out if it realy was Delita.
Chapter 2: The Manipulated and the Subservient
- We depart the Monastery for Dorter and no sooner do we arrive there then we are beset by a group of thieves, hired by some as yet unknown man for the purposes of killing us. The leader of the thieves seems dismayed to see Gaffgarion with us, but they still give it their all. They don't last long, however. Agrias seems convinced the kidnappers are heading to Fort Besselat so off we go!
- Aside: rumours in the pub reveal that the old king has, at long last, kicked the proverbial bucket and now the Dukes Larg and Goltanna are vieing to become the regent. The Queen favours Larg (her brother) while many nobles/the council favour Goltanna (the late king's cousin) which means there's a power struggle brewing in Ivalice. Also, the peasants are revolting.
- Enroute to the fort we encounter a chocobo beset by goblins in Araguay Woods. We help it, but turn it loose 'cause we don't want to have to clean up chocobo droppings for the rest of our adventure (though perhaps we should have turned it into a tasty meal...)
- We arrive in Zeirchele Falls to find Delita and the Princess on a bridge, surrounded by Northern Sky Knights. The knights claim to be rescuing the Princess, but Delita claims the kidnapping was a scheme by Duke Larg in order to frame Duke Goltanna in killing Ovelia to remove her as a claimant to the thorne (in favour of the young Prince Orinus).
- Turns out Gaffgarion was in cahoots all along so he turns traitor. Naturally we manage to beat them all back (though Gaffy turns and runs when things start getting dicey).
- Our cheery reunion with Delita turns a bit sour as he postulates that Dycedarg had his hand in this scheme as well. Delita also doesn't think we can protect Ovelia forever, but he leaves her with us for the time being, for some reason of his own no doubt. Agrias is still determined though and seems to think Cardinal Delacroix of Lionel Castle might be able to help our cause. (Hint: he's a Cardinal.)
- On our way to Lionel Castle, we come across a group of possibly shadey characters in the Castled City of Zaland, led by one Ludovich, who are chasing a young machinist named Mustadio. Without assertaining the nature of the incident we jump into the fray in support of Mustadio.
- After the battle, we find out that Mustadio is being chased by the Baert Trading Company (well known for various black market dealings) though he refuses to say way (hmmm, suspicious much?) However, the Baert Company holds Mustadio's father prisoner and Mustadio think that Cardinal Delacroix can help save him and wants to tag along. Agrias doesn't trust him and refuses, but she's overridden by Ovelia. Guess it's good to be the, er, princess.
- Before leaving the city, Agrias and Ovelia take a few moments to kick back their heels and relax. Ovelia recalls her life in varous monasteries. She has apparantly met Ramza's sister, Alma. Also, according to Agrias, the Cardinal has, thus far, been neutral in the succession squabbles so she has high hopes that the Cardinal (and thereby the Glabados Church) will protect Ovelia.
- At our next stop, Balias Tor, a group of Baert thugs attempts to capture Mustadio again but we deal with them easily enough. Mustadio still isn't willing to say why they're after him so I guess we just keep trudging along for now.
- Meanwhile, back at Eagrose Castle, Gaffgarion is reporting to Dycedarg. Their conversation basically confirms that, yes, kidnapping Ovelia was Dycedarg's plan, though his men were found dead not far from the Monastery which means someone else has gotten wind of their plan (ie, Delita and whoever he's working with) and is trying to thwart them. He tells Gaffgarion to recapture the princess and kill off the rest of her entourage, including Ramza if he won't step aside. Nice brother you've got there, Ramza.
- We arrive in Lionel Castle and plead our case to Cardinal Delacroix who seems surprisingly accomodating to the Princess. He also seems to have an idea why Mustadio is here, displaying a red crystal - some auracite. It is supposedly one of the legendary "Zodiac Stones" and we get a quick lesson about the Zodiac Braves who have previously saved Ivalice from the demonic Lucavi.
- Anyway, it seems that the Baert Company are after some auracite that Mustadio's father found beneath the Clockwork City of Goug. It seems to be able to activate some of the ancient machines under the city, but Ludovich wants to use it to make weapons. The Cardinal offers to send some soldiers to Goug to route the Baert Company and Ramza and Mustadio decide to help out.
- On our way to Goug, we have a brief encounter with some undead in Tchigolith Fenlands, but they don't live long.
- We arrive in Goug only to find that it's quiet... too quiet. No sign of the Cardinal's men or Baert Company. Ramza and Mustadio decide to canvas the town and meet later in Goug's Lowtown.
- Ramza arrives in the Lowtown on time but Mustadio is nowhere to be seen. Then a man, presumably Ludovich, and his Baert lackies show up demanding the auracite. Mustadio went and got himself captured. How thoughtful of him. They also bring along Mustadio's father as incentive to get Mustadio to cooperate which he appears to do, having Ramza turn over a hidden Zodiac stone. And, surprise, surprise, it turns out that Ludovich was working for Cardinal Delacroix all along.
- Our merry band of fools is deemed to troublesome to let live so we end up having to fight off the Baert goons which isn't too troublesome. Afterwards we find out that what we gave to Ludovich was a fake stone. I guess Mustadio is at least somewhat clever after all.
- As the Cardinal has turned out to be tricksy and false, that means Ovelia and Agrias are in danger. Additionally, Mustadio and his father believe that the Cardinal is trying to use the Zodiac Brave legend to alleviate the pain and suffering of the tumultous times and, naturally, seize power and are unlikely to let go once he has it. He must be stopped!
- However, we're unlikely to be able to storm Lionel Castle from the front, so we're going to sail around to the Port City of Warjilis and try to sneak in the back route. Good luck with that.
- Arriving at port we have another run in with Delita who's still his cherry old self. He insists that Ramza is unable to rescue the princess but, of course, he's the one to do it (delusions of grandeur maybe?) He also talks enigmatically about how everyone else is swept up in the flow of events be he, alone, is swimming against it.
- Meanwhile, in Lionel Castle, Cardinal Delacroix is meeting with Gaffgarion and Ludovich. The crux of the conversation is that Gaffgarion is sent to use the Princess as bait to recapture the stone and Ludovich, who has apparently been a very disappointing minion, has failed the Cardinal for the last time. We don't get to see what happens, but Ludo is presumed dead, likely messily so.
- That delightful interlude over, Ramza and company arrive in Balias Swale and find Agrias fleeing some of the Gryffon Knights of Lionel. As it turns out, she and the princess had attempted (or been allowed?) escape, but the princess was recaptured and Agrias was heading back to re-rescue her so good timing on our part, I guess. Agrias also claims that Ovelia is to be executed so we have to make a change of course to Golgollada Gallows.
- At the execution site, the whole thing turns out to be a trap, using an imposter Ovelia to lure Ramza and company there. Gaffgarion tries to get Ramza to turn to the Dark Side, to return to his brothers and help them but Ivalice to rights, but Ramza refuses and says his brothers are justing using war for their own personal gain. He also starts getting all emo, blaming Tietra's death on his own inaction.
- Due to some luck at being able to break Gaffgarion's weapon early on in the battle, he turns into a total push over and before long he's running away with his tail between his leg. But now we've got to go to Lionel Castle to save the real Princess, for real!
- Meanwhile, in the dungeons of Lionel, Delita is trying to talk to Ovelia when the Cardinal and some other guy come in (so that's where Delita's loyalties are, for the moment, anyway). The other guy ends up telling the Princess that she's a fake, that the real Ovelia died years ago and she was set up as a replacement to eventually wrest power from the Queen since it was thought the King was to feeble to breed further. However, a prince was eventually produced (and it is implied that the King is probably not his real father) which creates the current predicament around succession.
- The Cardinal and his posse claim to want to put Ovelia in her rightful place on the throne and leave her to chew on things for a bit.
- Also meanwhile, waaay back an the Lenalian Plateau, good old Weigraf is visiting his sister's grave and vows revenge. Just then, another mysterious figure approaches (naming himself Loffrey), offering Weigraf help, and of course power, to achieve both his vengence and his goals of ousting the corrupt aristocracy.
- Back to Lionel as we storm the castle! Ramza somehow manages to get up on the ramparts (using no doubt as yet unrevealed dark arts) but before he can sprink the gate, Gaffgarion appears and triggers an ambush! This time the Fell Knight doesn't run and we defeat him once and for all. Now to save the princess!
- Meanwhile, at Zeirchele Falls, Delita has already fled Lionel with Ovelia in tow - doh! They are ambushed by a few members of the Order of the North Sky, but Delita makes short work of them. Ovelia now seems to have little choice but to follow Delita, regardless of his intentions.
- We then return to our castle invasion already in progress. Ramza and crew have entered Cardinal Delacroix's inner sanctum. After Ramza refuses to give the Cardinal the auracite and demands to know where Princess Ovelia is, the Cardinal tells Ramza what we already know through the magic of cutscenes: that Ovelia has already been taken to Zeltennia, having apparently accepted their offer to put her on the throne.
- The Cardinal attempts to turn Ramza to the dark side, tempting him with the ability to change the worlds and get even with his brothers (ah, sibling rivalry) but Ramza has no interest in changing anything, especially if it means innocents get harmed in the cross fire.
- That tact foiled, the Cardinal decides to try the direct approach, pulling out his own Zodiac Stone and transforms into the Lucavi Cuchulainn the Impure. Battle ensues and, after a few attempts, we manage to defeat him, by the skin of our teeth. Cuchulainn explodes, leaving his Zodiac Stone behind.
- In the mean time, Delita arrives at Zeltennia and comes before Duke Goltanna. In addition to telling how he "rescued" the Princess, he has brought a prisoner who claims that the kidnapping was masterminded by one of Goltanna's own advisors to gain favour with Larg and keep Goltanna out of power. The prisoner points out the supposed traiter (who claims to know nothing) and Delita sumarily executes him then and there. So much for fair trials it seems.
- Delita goads Goltanna into leading the Order of the Southern Sky against Lesalia, forcing Larg to mobilize the Northern Sky. This whole incident prompts Goltanna to get the Queen banished and crown Ovelia as Queen. In retaliation, Larg also crowns Prince Orinus, naming himself regent. The two sides go to war, instigating the War of the Lions.
Chapter 3: The Valiant
- Three Months later, Duke Goltanna confers with various advisers and generals as to the state of the war. Crops are not doing well on either side and famine is a real danger. Cidolfus Orlandeau (aka, Thunder God Cid) proposes peace talks, but Goltanna's having none of that and decides to raise taxes instead in order to fund the continuing war.
- Ramza and co. are on their way to Lesalia so that Ramza can tell his brothers about the shadowy underpinnings of the war and to try his hand at "swimming against the tide" as it were.
- Enroute, they encounter a young astrologer named Orran in The Mining Town of Gollund who has run afowl of a den of thieves. Once again, without assertaining the nature of the conflict we jump in on the side of Orran. The thieves do not prove too troublesome and they are soon dispatched.
- Orran is headed in the opposite direction of us so he turns down the offer to tag along, though he does seem to find the fact that Ramza is a Beoulve interesting for some reason. Oh well, we'll just keep heading on our merry way.
- We arrive in Lesalia with no further incidents and Ramza goes and visits his brother Zalbaag and reveals his suspicions that Dycedarg and Larg were plotting together to kidnap the princess and fuel the war for their own personal gain. Zalbaag doesn't take too kindly to this, insults Ramza's mother (they're only half-brothers, after all) and basically tells him to get out of his sight.
- Ramza takes the hint, but before he can make a clean get away, his sister Alma comes and tries to talk to him to find out what's going on. She hints that she's previously seen a piece of auracite (implied to be the Virgo stone) at Orbonne Monastery and wants to tag along as one of Ramza's groupies.
- This conversation goes on just long enough for Confessor Zalmour, of the Glabados Church to show up and accuse Ramza of murdering Cardinal Delacroix. Ramza tries to explain what really happened but of course the Inquisitor won't have any of it.
- Ramza's choices are to surrender, which will probably result in an eventual declaration of guilt and, thus, death; flee, thereby admitting guilt; or fight. Ramza chooses to fight. The Confessor ends up fleeing and Ramza now sets off to Orbonne to hunt for the Virgo stone with Alma in tow.
- We arrive in the Monastery to find that somebody's already gotten there before us and is riffling through the vaults looking for Virgo (one of the crown jewels of Ivalice). Elder Simon has been injured and tries to disuade Ramza from persuing the intruders but Ramza is headstrong and foolhardy and so persists.
- According to Simon, High Confessor Marcel and his group want to restore the Church to prominence so they instigate civil war to weaken potential opponents and use the Zodiac Brave story to win the trust of the common folk.
- Simon also thinks Ramza is more like his father than his brothers and might be able to put a stop to all this. Way to go and inflate his ego there. So Ramza heads into the vaults to stop them, leaving Alma to look after Simon. He also gives his auracite to her for safe keeping.
- A bunch of Temple Knights, lead by one Isilud, are searching for Virgo in the vaults. We drive them off, but not before they find the blasted thing. Chasing them on the way out, we are delayed by our dear old friend, Wiegraf, who we zerg rush because, boy, is he nasty! (Wiegraf has joined this group for the prospect of power, it seems.)
- Despite our efforts, the thugs manage to escape with the stone, and they take Alma with them! The nerve! Also, the injured and dieing Wiegraf seems to hold the Aries stone and he forms a pact with it as Ramza looks on, becoming one with Belias the Gigas.
- Simon limps out of the Monastery and confesses his negligence in turning a blind eye and hands over the Scriptures of Germonique that he has recently uncovered which purport to reveal the truth of the Zodiac Braves.
- We head north to Dorter and are accosted by a strange mage-type (hello Marach) who demands that Ramza turn over the book. Ramza admits to not having read the thing, but figures it must be important considering hitmen are being sent to waylay him over it. The mage does not really illuminate things but only says that if Ramza wants to see Alma again then he'll bring the book to Riovannes Castle.
- Meanwhile, Delita and Ovelia are off in some ruins somewhere as they head for destinations unknown. Ovelia gets all whiney about how she's not really the "real" Ovelia and Delita takes a moment to rail against the establishment. Then they share a rare tender moment when Delita promises to create an Ivalice worthy of Ovelia and swears to do so by his dead sister Tietra. That's either sweet or kinda morbid.
- Back at the ranch, Ramza decides he may as well check out this book thing that people seem like they're willing to kill over.
- The Germonique Scriptures were written by a disciple of St. Ajora (the titular Germonique) and records details of Ajora's life. Ramza recalls the legends surrounding Ajora - his sainthood and supposedly being a child of god and something about defeating a demon summoned by an overly ambitious king - but Germonique records something quite different.
- According to Germonique, Ajora was simply a rabble rouser who had made himself a nuissance to the governments of the day and Germonique was a spy sent to investigate the details. Of course the growing Glabados Church made Ajora into a saint and has suppressed the truth, claiming that Ajora had assembled the legendary Zodiac Braves to defeat the supposed demon.
- And now this book has fallen into Ramza, who has been branded a heretic and has no reason to look favourably upon the Glabados Church which makes for an interesting recipe. Anyway, on to Riovanes!
- Our journey north is rudely interrupted whilst crossing the Zeklaus Desert when we come across an odd young man being chased by a heard of behemoths. Ramza once again shows his proclivity for jumping to conclusions and enters the fray on behalf of the young fellow without adequately assessing the situation. I mean, what if this guy's some super villain or the behemoths have some ligitmate grievance against him? We'll just never know their side of the story.
- The behemoths are defeated and the odd fellow turns out to be Luso, a game hunter (aha! it would seem the behemoths may have been justified after all) who has become separated from his friends and is looking for them. He also has some diary, er, "journal" that he writes in. Even though only pansies write in diaries, that is, "journals", Ramza decides to let him tag along anyway.
[NOTE: Luso is the main character of Final Fantasy Tactics A2: The Grimoire of the Rift and is one of the new special characters in the PSP port of FFT. The journal thing is a reference to the magic journal he carries around in A2.]
- Continuing on, we come to Grogh Heights where we encounter some deserters from the Order of the Southern Sky. They recognize Ramza as a wanted Heretic and think that if they capture him (dead or alive) they might be able to get an honourable discharge. Unfortunately for them, Ramza's not going to go quietly.
- After the battle, Orran, that astrologer from the start of the chapter, rides in with some knights in tow and thanks us for mopping up their deserters. As his orders don't include catching heretics, he and Ramza chat amicably.
- Ramza asks Orran to pass a message to Orlandeau that there are others behind the scenes pulling the strings of this war. Orran agrees (he's Orlandu's adopted son) and tells Ramza that they have their own suspicions about the conspiracies at work but have no proof. He also tells Ramza that he has allies which, I suppose, is good to know.
- We then come to the Walled City of Yardrow and continue Ramza's habit of taking sides by rescuing a girl named Rapha from a group we decide looks less than savory. She fills us in on some regional politics: Grand Duke Barrington, lord of Fovoham, is plotting to use the chaos of war to take over Ivalice for himself! The horror!
- Rapha's less than appologetic brother, Marach (the mage who demanded the Germonique Scriptures from us earlier), however, seems to support the Grand Duke and went so far to make threats against Alma's life if Ramza didn't hurry up and get his ass to Riovanes, and now Rapha's presence is demanded as well. Then Marach's messenger frog explodes. How nifty is that?
- As a side note, Rapha and Marach were orphans from the Fifty Years War, brought up by the Grand Duke, though his intentions weren't entirely honourable. He wanted to make use of the powers that the siblings' family possessed and while Marach is still in his pocket, as it were, it seems Rapha has wisened up to his schemes.
- Next, passing through the Yuguewood, Ramza's crew is beset by ghosts of some of those who perished during the 50 years war. They do the Ghostbusters proud by sending them to their eternal rest. There is now nothing standing between Ramza and the grueling gauntlet known as Riovanes Castle.
- As Ramza marches on Riovanes, Duke Barrington has a nice fire side chat with Formav and Wiegraf of the Templar Knights. He says that those with power will control Ivalice and asks the Templar Knights to join with him as he insinuates that he knows about the Zodiac Stones despite Formav playing dumb and comments that he has two for safe keeping. He further blackmails them with threats of using the Germonique scriptures to reveal the Church's schemes.
- Formav doesn't take too kindly to blackmail and goes all Zodiac Beast on Barrington's ass.
- Meanwhile, Marach is sent to the castle gates to get the scriptures from Ramza, offering Alma's saftey in return, but Rapha tells Ramza not to believe him. So instead, Ramza jumps on Marach with the pointy end of a spear and Marach flees, with Rapha giving chase. Ramza's troops mop up the rest of the riff-raff with no trouble.
- While this is going on, inside the castle, Alma hears the sounds of bloody carnage from her cell. A wounded soldier stumbles in and tells her to run while she has the chance. Well, Alma's not stupid so she takes the chance and runs.
- Ramza then wanders into Riovanes' Keep where Weigraf stands amidst several dead soldiers. He tells Ramza to draw his sword, but Ramza just stands there and says that he pities Weigraf, and wonders what Milleuda must think of all this.
- Weigraf retorts that this is no longer about avenging his sister's death, nor is it about anything noble or righteous at all. He's now all about creating as much chaos as possible. Well, I suppose it's nice to have a goal, but still...
- This leads to a one-on-one duel between Ramza and Weigraf, during which Ramza tries to convince Weigraf that the stones are evil, tools of the Lucavi, but Weigraf just goes on about how it's all about controlling people's perceptions. The winner gets to write history, essentially. Anyway, Ramza was a Dragoon for this battle so it's all just a matter of jumping on Weigraf with the pointy end of a spear a couple of times in order to take him out.
- Weigraf tries to run away, but Ramza tells him to show himself. Obediently, Weigraf returns but now he transforms into Belias, the Gigas. Since Ramza's troops are now backing him up, Belias summons a trio of archdemons for support. This is kind of a tough battle (though auto-potion is brokenly awesome for it) but Ramza and troops manage to pull out a win.
- The defeated Belias drops his zodiac stone and we then switch to the council chambers which is notably bloodier than when we left it. Temple Knight Isilude is looking to be in pretty rough shape. Alma wanders in and tries to help Isilude, but the wounded knight tells her that, having seen his father Formav turn into a lucavi, he now things Ramza is correct and gives Alma a stone he was holding to give to Ramza, then Isilude dies.
- Before Alma can go anywhere, Formav enters and prepares to kill her, but his stone seems to react to her in a strange way and he now thinks he "found" someone, though he's maddenly vague about it. So, he simply chooses to render her unconscious and kidnap her. Fortunately, Alma drops the stone Isilude gave her without Formav noticing.
- Meanwhile, on the roof of the castle, Rapha confronts Duke Barrington (who has somehow escaped the carnage in the castle) and more-or-less mocks her. Marach hears the conversation and finally realizes that Barrington is really a rat bastard. The Duke attempts to shoot Rapha, but Marach takes the bullet for her.
- Barrington demands the Rapha hand over the stone, but then a mysterious figure appears and unceremoniously tosses the duke off the roof. Well, that was easy. But wait! It's Marquis Elmdore! According to the tavern rumours, he was supposed to be dead...
- The Marquis is, naturally, not human any more, but he just sics a couple of assassins on us for now, who we dispatch.
- After the fight, Rapha mourns for Marach, causing the Scorpio stone to react. Ramza fears the worst (naturally, after the Wiegraf incident) but the stone simply revives Marach, without turning him into some horrible ravening beast creature.
- Ramza takes a moment to search the castle for Alma but only finds the Pisces stone that she dropped. Marach waxes philosophical (I suppose death will do that to a person) and supposes that the stones' power reflects the intent of the wielder.
- Anyway, the War of the Lions rages on and events at Riovannes suggest that Folmarv may be at the centre of things, manipulating even the High Confessor Marcel. Ramza suspects that Delita may know more so we set course for Zeltennia.
Chapter 4: In the Name of Love
- Elsewhere, Orran (that astrologer guy we saved earlier) welcomes Orlandeau back to Zeltennia and reports on recent events, seemingly connected to the Zodiac stones and suspicions surrounding the Church and the Templar Knights. Orlandeau then pulls out the Libra stone, reflecting it cannot remain hidden for long. Dun, dun, dun.
- And before we go chasing after Delita, Ramza makes a detour down to Goug to talk to Mustadio's father who found some strange metalic sphere thing that reacts to the Zodiac stones and has an Aquarius symbol inscribed in it. What could it mean?
- Passing through the Mining Town of Gollund, Ramza hears rumours of strange beasts in the area and teams up with one Beowulf who is looking for a dragon. Fighting through several areas of the city, we eventually come to a store room or some such where a dragon is surrounded by a bunch of monsters, including a demon type.
- After a brief fight, the dragon is saved. This is Reis and is apparently the dragon Beowulf was looking for. Out of thanks, Beowulf gives Ramza the Aquarius stone and he and Reis join up with his travelling circus.
- Ramza then goes back to Goug and uses the Aquarius stone to activate that sphere thing which transforms into a might morphin' robot thing which, as a joke, Ramza commands to pound Mustadio into the ground. Good thing Phoenix Downs are plentiful, right? Anyway, the robot (aka Construct 8) joins up 'cause we know it's got some wicked dance moves.
- We now return to our regularly scheduled quest and head east to Dugeura Pass where some local mooks attempt to ambush us and say that we won't get through the pass whilst they are alive. Well, I think we all know the solution to this problem. A short skirmish later, Ramza and co. are moseying along, putting this minor speed bump behind them.
- Continuing east towards Zeltennia, we arrive in the Free City of Bervenia where Knight Templar Meliadoul attempts to seek revenge on Ramza for killing her brother, Isilud. Ramza tries to tell her that it was really a Lucavi that killed Isilud, but she just scoffs at Ramza in an "oh, yeah, I've heard that one before!" kind of way. So we steal all of her stuff before defeating her soundly. Miliadoul just shakes her fist and says "Next time, Ramza - next time!"
- Meanwhile, off in a castle somewhere, Delita still mourns the death of his sister, Tietra, and overhears Ovelia making fart noises, which turns out to be her actually trying (and failing) to blow a reed whistle. Delita shows her how it's actually done and then promises not to let Ovelia get used and discarded the way his sister was.
- Back to the journey east, we are accosted by a flock of chocobos whilst trying to cross Finnath Creek, including the most evil of chocobos: the notorious red chocobo (we hates them and their Choco Meteor). For some reason, the chocobos are accompanied by a pig. Anyway, after quickly dispatching the reds, we play with the rest for a bit for some job points and continue on our way.
- We finally arrive in Zeltennia Castle and Ramza goes to the cathedral, which is where Delita finds him. Ramza decides to take the direct approach and asks Delita why the church has planted him in Goltana's troops. Delita sees no harm in spilling the beans (isn't this one of those evil overlord do-not-dos?) and says its his job to assassinate Goltanna and Orlandeau.
- Further, the peasants are tired of war and are getting kind of revolting but the aristocrats lack the troops to repress them so all sides are converging on Fort Besselat to end things in one swift stroke. The church will take this opportunity to assassinate the leaders (Goltanna, Orlandeau, Larg, Dycedarg, etc.) and, with the help of the Zodiac Brave story and the auracite, the church will gain the favour of the people, setting up Ivalice as a puppet state under their rule.
- Of course, Ramza's been making a nuisance of himself by hindering the Church's auracite collection plans. Delita declares that he will kill Ramza if he needs to, but for now since they both have the same short term goals (ending the war), they are not yet enemies.
- Ramza asks Delita to join him, but Delita refuses, since he intends to protect Ovelia.
- Just then, Confessor Zalmour, along with his merry band of henchmen, surrounds the Cathedral and demands Ramza to turn himself over. Naturally, Ramza's having none of this. The Confessor spots Delita who decides that he can't let Zalmo see him and live so Delita temporarily joins up with Ramza for the ensuing battle.
- After dispatching the Confessor, one Valmafra, a mage working with Delita, informed him that the Order of the Northern Sky had started its advance on Fort Besselat. Ramza heads out to try to get to Orlandu first and avoid a major clash.
- Before wandering off to Besselat, Ramza and crew pick up on some rumours (Bervenia and Dorter) concerning a rash of thefts. Before leaving Dorter, a group of thugs ambush Ramza only to find he's not the droid they were looking for, but since he's been branded a heretic and has a price on his head they'll try to catch him anyway.
- However, that's when the real target, the Sky Pirate Balthier, shows up and the thugs think they get two bounties for the price of one, but alas, it is not to be as Ramza and Baltheir team up to beat them senseless.
- It turns out that Balthier is searching for the "Cache of Glabados" for reasons of his own and decides to tag along with Ramza for a bit as they both seem to be in the Church's bad books right now. As a bonus, Balthier has experience babysitting children (as he puts it, to Ramza's chagrin).
[Note: Balthier is originally from Final Fantasy XII (also set in Ivalice) and is one of the new secret characters for the PSP port.]
- Then it's off to play in the sand - the Beddha Sandwaste, that is. However, someone's already there, ruining our sandbox. Knight Templar Barich is releasing airborn poison which he intends to use to draw out the defenders by weaking their enemies, thus making it easier to assassinate all the leaders at once. Ramza just goes and beats him up because who wants to play in a poisoned sandbox?
- Meanwhile, in Fort Besselat, Duke Goltanna accuses Orlandeau of being a traitor (despite twenty years of loyal service and continued denials) and has him imprisoned. This is because, back in Zeltennia, Ramza foolishly told Delita he was heading there to deliver evidence to expose the church's schemes (the Germonique scriptures) and Delita arrived first while Ramza was playing in the sand.
- Goltanna then goes on to promote Delita and gives him the command of the Order of the Southern Sky. Bad move, there.
- Anyway, now Ramza arrives at Fort Besselat and is given the option to approach from the north or the south. Ramza chooses south and is beset by a bunch of Southern Sky flunkies who try to stop us from talking to Orlandeau despite us being, you know, the good guys. That's what Ramza gets for blabbing his plans to Delita. However, this obstacle is quickly removed.
- Meanwhile, on the north side of the fort, the poison that had been released has successfully incapacitated the Northern Sky. Zalbaag enters the battlefield (or what's left), and finds Dycedarg who is limping along, apparently having been affected by the poison himself.
- Ramza's two older brothers find Duke Larg nearby, also weak from the poison, and Dycedarg takes the opportunity to stab the Duke. Seem's everyone's a traitor these days. Dycedarg has apparently been plotting to have house Beoulve rise to the top and sees this as his opportunity. He then intimidates Zalbaag into planting the dagger on one of the soldiers (thereby shifting the blame) before he collapses himself.
- In the mean time, Ramza has arrived at the Fort Besselat Sluice. Ramza gets the brilliant idea to open the sluice and flood the battlefield, thus preventing any fighting. What does he think this is, Orthanc? And won't he just drown everyone?
- Not one to dwell on such consequences, Ramza and his lackies dive head first into battle, disposing all who stand in their way, until they are able to release the river. Water goes crashing down stream and, presumably, everything becomes wet and soggy.
- In the subsequent chaos, Ramza and Orran, plus Valmafra, one of Delita's flunkies (what's she doing here?) release Orlandeau from captivity and he decides now would be a good time to make himself scarce and tags along with Ramza's growing menagerie. Meanwhile, Orran is sent to Zeltennia to keep an eye on Princess Ovelia.
- As Ramza makes his getaway, Delita checks in on Duke Goltanna. Goltanna wants Delita to pursue the Northern Sky despite the flood, but Delita decides he'd much rather run the Duke through. He then sacrifices a Glabados fanatic disguised as a fake Orlandeau and Valmafra reports that the real Thunder God has escaped with Ramza. Delita seems to be counting on Ramza to do something...
- High Confessor Marcel offers to broker peace between the sides but they don't feel like sharing the playground just yet. Ramza decides he'd rather head to Limberry Castle to rescue Alma.
- In the Trade City of Sal Ghidos, Ramza encounters a strangely familiar flower girl who sells him a flower for 1 gil. (This is Aeris - or Aerith - a crossover from FF7.)
- This encounter unlocks an event back at Goug where Mustadio's father has dug up some wild contraption that has the Cancer Zodiac symbol on which means it's stone huntin' time. This takes us back to Nelveska Temple which is waaaay up north of Zeltennia. Here we fight Construct 7 who is guarding the temple or something. He, along with a pack of other nasty things, packs a punch but then so does Ramza and crew. Defeating Worker 7 earns the Cancer stone.
- While at Nelveska, Beowulf "borrows" the Cancer stone (he'll give it back, promise!) and sends the Holy Dragon Reis with it into the temple. This just so happens to uncurse the dragon, and out walks the human female, Reis, who seems to be acquanted with Mr. Beowulf.
- Back in Goug, the Cancer stone is used to activate the contraption and much to Mustadio's relief, this time it does not come alive and KO him. Instead, it summons a strangely familiar, and grouchy, SOLDIER. Hello Cloud! Seems he's still suffering from chronic migranes and goes running off, presumably in search of a doctor or a good shrink.
- A bit confused, Ramza decides to get back to the matter at hand and heads to Limberry. But the journey is interrupted in Sal Ghidos (again!) by a group of theives who are trying to extort money from the flower girl, whom they call Aerith. Cloud stumbles in, still suffering from headaches (or maybe a hangover) and it's up to Ramza to mop things up since Cloud turns out to be useless in a fight, always running off to a corner to hide.
- Afterwards, Cloud mumbles something about having to get to the Promised Land and Ramza decides to let him tag along out of pity.
- That out of the way, Ramza continues south towards Limberry, encountering a couple of minor speed bumps in the form of some bandits on Mount Germinas who try (and fail) to collect the bounty on Ramza's head and the restless dead at Lake Poescas who try (and fail) to steal our auracite.
- Meanwhilst, Knight Templar Loffrey pays a visit to Ramza's dear eldest brother Dycedarg and casually accuses him of assassinating Duke Larg which, naturally, Dycedarg denies. Loffrey then discusses the poison used at Fort Besselat and uses that to imply that Dycedarg poisoned his father. This leaves Dycedarg somewhat flabergasted but he still swims in denial. Not to be detered, Loffrey leaves a gift from High Confessor Marcel in the form of a Zodiac stone. It also happens that the middle brother, Zalbaag, was listening to the whoe thing outside the door.
- Anyway, Ramza goes stumbling headlong into Limberry Castle to find the door wide open. He gets a bad feeling just as a pair of assassins (Celia and Lettie) who work for Marquis Elmdore appear. it's a trap! They say Alma is inside, so we've got to fight them. They're annoying as heck (though Ramza does learn Ultima from them), but despite the stated mission objectives, you actually only have to take down one of them to win.
- When one assassin is defeated, they both flee to Elmdore who is talking to Lord Folmarv who are discussing that a host as recently been chosen for Adrammelech and that "that girl" will be the host for the High Seraph. Elmdore then goes to attend to the matter of Ramza.
- Ramza faces off against Elmdore who, like his lackies, is annoying but manageable. He flees to the necroholl when critically wounded and Ramza pursues, of course. (Though on the way, Ramza encounters and defeats Argath again, just as arrogant as before but notably more undead. Much easier fight than the other two.)
- In the necroholl, Elmdore summons some undead and transforms into Zalera, the Death Seraph. Meliadoul chooses this moment to wander onto the scene and seeing the Lucavi in the flesh she decides that Ramza was probably telling the truth about events at Riovannes and the death of her brother Isilud. After the battle, she decides to join our rag-tag band and tells Ramza that a Zodiac stone was given to his brother Dycedarg, so we're probably going to be paying him a visit next (or soon).
- Elsewhere, presumably in Zeltennia, Orran fights his way to Ovelia's chambers to tell her that Orlandeau didn't really kill Goltanna (ah, so Delita was framing T.G. Cid) but before he can reveal the truth, Delita catches up, along with his flunky Valmafra. Delita doesn't seem to want to kill Orran as he has some sort of plan for him as he builds a legend for himself.
- Delita now plans to take down the Order of the Northern Sky and rebuild Ivalice for Ovelia and those who oppose him, including the Church, will be dealt with. Valmafra, being an agent of the Church, moves to assassinate Delita but she hesitates and Delita, who was expecting this, finishes her off first.
- Meanwhile, Zalbaag takes a herbalist to visit his father's grave. He pays the herbalist to confirm the presense of mossfungus on the grave. This does not seem to bode well.
- On the way to Eagrose Castle to slap around his brother, Ramza is stopped in Dorter by Knight Templar Cletienne. Meliadoul attempts to learn more from him about the truth about her father, Folmarv, and what his plans are but Cletienne basically just mocks her and claimes he's in the right. Anyway, the Knight Templar proves just to be a minor speed bump. He seems to be buying time for something... but what?
- Ramza arrives at Eagrose with his own personal army in tow. However, there are no guards in sight so Ramza walks in without a fight.
- Inside, Ramza finds Zalbaag confronting Dycedarg about their father. Dycedarg calls in the mooks, just as Ramza and crew arrive to lend Zalbaag a hand and help clean up.
- When defeated, Dycedarg transforms into Adrammelech and says he poisoned their father because he was letting House Beoulve's chance to rule Ivalice (due to an increasingly weak and divided royal house, not to mention an increasingly disaffected populace) pass by. He then zaps Zalbaag, appearing to vapourize him. However, Ramza's crew makes short work of Adrammelech as the overmatched Lucavi barely gets to do anything thanks to the fight starting with Ramza's team being pre-buffed with haste.
- Ramza then heads to Mullonde, seat of the Church, to rescue Alma. However, Folmarv has decided that High Confessor Marcel is no longer necessary due to Ramza having obtained most of the auracite already. He forces the location of the Necrohol out of him (under Orbonnne Monastery) and the means to break its seal (the Germonique scripture) which, conveniently, Ramza also has. With no further need of the High Confessor, Folmarv has him impaled and left for dead.
- Ramza arrives at the cathedral in Mullonde and foolishly walks up to the front door demanding Alma's release. The temple guards are only too happy to attempt to execute him, only they don't count on the power of Math and are quickly taken down.
- Ramza enters the cathedral and finds the High Confessor who is still twitching. He manages to make himself mildly useful before dieing by telling Ramza about Orbonne.
- Folmarv and his remaining flunkies (Cletienne and Loffrey) try to barter Alma's life for the Scriptures and the auracite, but Ramza's not entirely stupid and only gives them the Scriptures and keeps the Zodiac Stones upon confirmation that Alma is safe.
- When the contents of the Scriptures are confirmed, Folmarv tries to take the auracite by force, but he and his flunkies run away when one of them becomes critically wounded, the cowards.
- Ramza enters the crypts, thinking to pursue them, but instead finds a much undeader looking Zalbaag and some demons. Zalbaag is unable to fight the control of the Lucavi and begs Ramza for release. Ramza's company defeats him and Zalbaag sort of explodes. Messy. I guess being undead will do that to you.
- House Beoulve is now at an end, but the only thing left to do is pursue Folmarv, put a stop to his dastardly plans, and rescue Alma. Of course that means one thing: go do some side quests!
- Actually, most of the side quests are already complete. In wandering around, at Lionel Castle, Beowulf and Reis enjoy a peaceful moment only to have Reis kidnapped by one Ser Aliste on behalf of Bremondt, new lord of Lionel (succeeding Delacroix) who is apparently the one responsible for Reis' curse.
- Ramza, Beowulf and company return to Lionel to lay the smack down. It turns out Aliste was dieing and wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. After that, we fight Bremondt and his lackies who, interestingly, are all female. Seems Bremondt had a thing for Reis and tried to curse Beowulf to take him out of the picture, but Reis took the curse for Beowulf instead.
- Beowulf and Bremandt debate about the nature of love a bit but we otherwise pound him into the ground. Before being defeated, he transforms into a Dark Dragon. After that, Beowulf and Reis are happily reunited and we continue on our merry way.
- Up in Zeltennia, Agrias (who has somehow managed to sneak past guards or whatever) finds Ovelia and appologises for not being around to protect her since she's been off galavanting with Ramza fighting demons and stuff. Agrias gives Ovelia a dagger for protection and leaves her in Delita's protection, though Agrias doesn't really seem to trust him.
- Then, a rumour in Gariland suggests some Northern Sky deserters are making themselves annoying in the Brigands' Den so we go and clear them out.
- Finally, a trip down to Warjilis opens up the Midlight's Deep for later exploration, but I'll worry about that some other time.
- Now it's time to go hit up Orbonne Monastery. Folmarv, Loffrey and their associates are up to their dastardly misdeads but we first have to dispatch a group of peons to get to them. Yawn.
- Loffrey is the first challenger. He doesn't pose a serious challenge though can be slightly annoying (don't break my Genji armour, gah! well, at least I'm not saving this). When defeated, Loffrey opens a portal which teleports everyone down to the Mullonde Necrohol and then destroys the exit, thinking to trap Ramza there forever. Then he dies.
- Next up is Cletienne in the ruins of some dead city. Since the goal of this sequence of battles is just to defeat the main guy (Loffrey, Cletinne and so on) I decide to go for the jugular vein since there's really not much point in collecting crystals or anything at this point. Cletienne goes down like a rag doll, plus Math Skills are way overpowered :)
- Next is Barich who was the guy with the poison at the Beddha Sandwaste. As with the others before him, he falls swiftly.
- This brings Ramza, at long last, to the Airship Graveyard where Formav is attempting to resurrect Saint Ajora into the body of Alma using the Virgo stone. When this does not appear to be working, he decides a blood sacrifice is required and transforms into Hashmal, Bringer of Order, and attacks Ramza's party.
- Hashmal is defeated without too much difficulty. However, Saint Ajora has still not revived, so Hashmal decides rather than suffer an epic fail, he'll sacrifice himself to revive her (hey, he's pretty much already dead so nothing to lose, I suppose).
- Alma finally awakes but is then possessed by Saint Ajora, aka the Bloody Angel. Alma's got some fight in her, however, and the two somehow separate. Saint Ajora then transforms into Ultima, the High Seraph and summons some demons to aid her.
- Reiterating that Math Skills are overpowered, I take out the helper demons in pretty much one shot, even at the cost of damaging a couple of my own units (totally worth it). Then we're free to keep hitting Ultima until she falls down.
- Except in Final Fantasy tradition, Ultima then transforms into her true, much deader looking form. At this point, however, we just continue the "hit it until it falls down" strategy which goes smoothly, despite one of my units being turned into a frog near the end. Then Ultima blows up for good. Somewhere in there, she also implies that Ramza is ultimately descended from the person who originally defeated/sealed/whatevered Saint Ajora in the first place.
- Cut to the end of a funeral in a graveyard. The mourners are mourning the loss of Alma and of the entire Beoulve house, though Ramza was apparently denied a funeral or proper burial as a heretic.
- The mourners leave and Orran arrives, with Valmafra in tow. Seems Delita didn't actually kill her after all. Seems Orran has been watched, or he'd have come sooner. Musing on recent events, he can't seem to accept that Ramza is actually dead.
- Delita is now King, having married Ovelia. With the various pretenders for the throne dead and the demon summoning conspiracy ended by Ramza's efforts, Ivalice is now in relative peace.
- Then, as Orran turns to go, Ramza and Alma ride by on Chocobo and off into the sunset.
- As Ramza and Alma are riding off, we are then told how Orran wrote up the Durai papers, recording the truth of the events that he witnessed. However, the Church didn't much care for them so had Orran burned at the stake as a heretic. Ultimately, though, the truth will out and the papers were eventually uncovered by one "Arazlam Durai" who is the one who has been recounting this whole history.
- After the credits, there is one final scene between Ovelia and Delita in the ruins of the Zeltennia Chapel. Delita brings Ovelia flowers, but Ovelia is angry at the way Delita uses everyone and, afraid that he'll just toss her aside some day when she's no longer useful, she stabs him and Delita stabs her back. So, everyone dies and it's a happy, cheerful ending.
- Some crusty old historian, a scholar of medieval Ivalice history, going by the outlandish moniker "Arazlam" gives us an introductory lecture on the War of the Lions, a war of succession.
- He talks about Delita Heiral, known as a hero who helped end the war, but he claims that not all was as it seems, claiming that another overlooked young man was the true hero - one Ramza Beoulve - his role having hitherto been concealed by the church, now revealed in the Durai papers and we are invited to discover the truth.
- Then we get a new version of the opening cutscene with some guy in gold armour (hi Delita) riding a chocobo through a forest along with some other brigands.
- The scene changes to the interior of Orbonne Monastery where princess Ovelia is praying under the watchful eye of Simon the priest and Knight Agrias.
- The princess' escort is here, Gaffgarion and his band of mercenaries (including Ramza) employed by the Order of the Northern Sky.
- Suddenly, a wounded knight stumbles in with word that the enemy's forces, Duke Goltanna's men, have arrived. They rush off to do battle.
- The battle is one, but whilst we were out playing with sharp objects, Delita snuck into the monastery and kidnapped the princess. Agrias and Ramza can't get to them quick enough and can only watch as Delita escapes with his quarry, though Ramza does recognize him.
- This leads us into a flashback...
Chapter 1: The Meager
- The scene is the Royal Military Academy in Gariland City. After losing the 50 years war, soldiers returning from the frontlines have become disenfrachised and have lost their livelihoods, many turning to theivery and plotting against the crown. Some apprentices discuss the situation.
- The Corspe Brigade has been attacking wains in the vicinity of Eagrose Castle, some say Duke Larg is coming to Gariland along with Marquis Elmdore of Limberry.
- A Knight of the Order of the Northern Sky comes in with an assignment for the apprentices. The order is planning on eliminating the Corpse Brigade with the help of Duke Larg, which will leave Eagrose undermanned so the cadets are to bolster its defenses.
- Another knight comes in with news that some thieves are fleeing to Gariland, so the apprentices get to do some warm-ups. A battle in town ensues with the cadets emerging victorious.
- Afterwards, Ramza has a short flashback to his father's death - Barbaneth Beoulve was a hero of the 50 years' war. Also in attendance were Ramza's older brothers, Dycedarg and Zalbaag, and his sister, Alma. Barbaneth has made arrangements for Ramza's friend, Delita (a commoner) to enter the Academy and tells Ramza he'll need someone he can trust, like Delita.
- Then its off to Eagrose Castle, but in Mandalia Plain we encounter a young hot head by the name of Argath whose gone and gotten himself captured by members of the Corpse Brigade, so we intervene on his behalf. Turns out Argath is an apprentice of Marquis Elmdore and the Marquis was just abducted by the Brigade so Argath wants our help to rescue him. Well, I guess he gets to tag along for now...
- We arrive at Eagrose Castle and go talk to Ramza's brother Dycedarg. Argath tried to get Dycedarg to send troops to rescue the Maquis immediately, but Dycedarg basically told us to mind our own business and garrison the castle
- Whilst cooling our heels we run into Ramza's other brother, Zalbaag and his sister Alma. Zalbaag lets out a few not so subtle hints about a spy that's disappeared near the merchent city of Dorter and muses that investigating that would probably be more interesting that guarding a stuffy old castle.
- We also meet Delita's sister, Tietra and Argath whines about how his family used to be more respectable until his father (or was it an uncle?) sold out to the enemy during the 50 Years War and got himself stabbed in the back. With Argath's bellyaching over with (for now - you just that boy's gonna be trouble) I guess we'll wander on over to Dorter to see what's going on.
- Arriving in Dorter, we witness an exchange between two knights. One is using his skills of persuasion (that being the tip of a sword) to find out the location of one Gustav, but he flees when he catches wind of us (guess we'd better go bathe)
- As the knight retreats and the other one calls in his lackies, Delita thinks he recognizes him from somewhere. Turns out the one doing the "persuading" is Weigraf, leader of the Dead Men, a volunteer group in the 50 Year's War, now head of the Corpse Brigade
- After a brief battle, Ramza, Delita and Argath question the hapless knight that was bullied by Weigraf with Argath applying his own brand of persuasion. Seems that kidnapping Marquis Elmdore wasn't Weigraf's idea, but rather Gustav's, the Brigade's second in command. It is presumed that Gustav is no hiding in Zeklaus Desert to the north, so off we go to play in the sand.
- We arrive in the desert at the "Sand Rats Seitch" and overhere some disgruntled members of the Corpse Brigade discussing management. Sounds like they don't like the way Weigraf is running things and think that Gustav's approach of ransoming off Marquis Elmdore is more likely to lead them to an early (live) retirement.
- Of course, know that we've overheard them nobody can leave without a fight, so we mop up the sand rats and then head into their hideout.
- We find Wiegraf and Gustav having a somewhat pointed discussion concerning their differing management styles, to the point where Wiegraf runs Gustav through. Guess that's the end of that. Wiegraf tells us that kidnapping's not his thing (too lowbrow) and tries to bargain the marquis release for us sparring his life.
- At first, Argath doesn't want to let Wiegraf go, but he sneaks out regarless whilst we argue amongst ourselves. As for the Marquis, he's weak but otherwise live so it's back to Eagrose for him.
- Back at Eagrose, Ramza's brother Dycedarg chews everyone out for abandoning their post and going off to chase the Marquis, but then Duke Larg enters and congratulates us anyway. Then, Dycedarg lets us join in on the final offensive against the Corpse Brigade and we wander off like good little soldiers.
- With our group out of earshot, Dycedarg and Larg comment that Gustav was apparently not the right person for the job, implying that they were behind the kidnapping of the Marquis. The old King is rather ill and the two nobles seem to be scheming...
- Our next destination is the Brigands' Den, just south of Mandalia Plain. There we encounter a group of the Corpse Brigade, led by Milleuda, younger sister of Wiegraf. She seems like a rather anti-establishment sort, so we beat up her and her lackies. After the fight, Ramza offers her mercy (though Argath makes it well known what he thinks of her sort and further illustrates that he is an ass) though she doesn't appreciate us for it and limps off the battle field.
- Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Death Corpse stages a daring raid on the Beoulve Manse, kidnapping Tietra and almost absconding with Alma as well if not for Zalbaag's timely intervention. Dycedarg is injured in the process.
- We learn of the incident when we return to Eagrose Castle. Dycedarg says that they're poised to deal the death blow to the Corpse Bridage and tells Delita that they'll do whatever it takes to rescue his sister first.
- Outside, Argath insists that Dycedarg is lieing as there's no point to save a common girl. Delita decks him, but Ramza tries to calm everyone down. Argath continues to demonstrate that he is an elitist ass and Ramza tells him to get lost. As a parting gift, Argath says that he overheard that the last of the Bridage is holed up inside Ziekden Fortress.
- As we get under way, we decide to make a pit stop at the Mandalia Plains where Ramza and Delita reminice about bygone days and squander precious time playing the reed flute.
- The fort is well guarded, so we take the roundabout scenic route, starting at Lenalian Plateau north of Dorter. Here we encounter Milleuda again with a group from the Brigade as they try to find a way out of the highlands. One of the Brigade suggests surrender but Milleuda will have none of that. She's adamantly opposed to any and all nobles, just for them being nobles and decides that today would actually be a rather good day to die. A fight ensues with, perhaps, predictable results. (Hint: we win.)
- Next stop is the scenic Fovoham Windflats, complete with windmill. Quite the tourist spot. But this is no tourist photo-op today. Inside, Weigraf and Gragoroth (the guy who led the raid against the Beoulve manner) are discussing the prisoner (Tietra) with Weigraf once again acting all noble-like about not taking hostages, ordering Gragoroth to release the girl.
- A monk enters who tells Wiegraf that the enemy (that's us) approaches and that Milleuda, his sister, is dead. This leads to an angry confrontation with Wiegraf. We force him to retreat but after the battle we discover that Gragoroth has disobeyed Wiegraf's orders and has fled with Tietra, presumably to Ziekden Fortress as that's the last place left to go.
- At the fort, we find Gragoroth facing off against Argath, Zalbaag and a couple of knights using Tietra as a human shield. He is kind enough to inform the knights that there's a whackload of gunpowder stockpiled in the fort which would make a lovely explosion. When Zalbaag tires of the conversation he orders Argath to shoot the hostage, which the bastard does, following up with a bolt in Gragoroth.
- Wounded, Gragoroth withdraws into the fort. Zalbaag withdraws to deal with approaching enemies leaving the rest to Argath. Delita flies into a rage and Argath brings in some back up. All to no avail, however, as we deliver a sound beating to Mr. "I'm better than thou."
- As Delita cradles his dead sister, the fort starts to explode, forcing Ramza to retreat, though Delita stays to enjoy the bonfire.
- Ramza muses that he rain away from his crumbling life as things got rough which brings us back to the present, back outside Orbonne Monastery. Agrias intents to pursue the princess' kidnapper and Ramza decides to tag along to find out if it realy was Delita.
Chapter 2: The Manipulated and the Subservient
- We depart the Monastery for Dorter and no sooner do we arrive there then we are beset by a group of thieves, hired by some as yet unknown man for the purposes of killing us. The leader of the thieves seems dismayed to see Gaffgarion with us, but they still give it their all. They don't last long, however. Agrias seems convinced the kidnappers are heading to Fort Besselat so off we go!
- Aside: rumours in the pub reveal that the old king has, at long last, kicked the proverbial bucket and now the Dukes Larg and Goltanna are vieing to become the regent. The Queen favours Larg (her brother) while many nobles/the council favour Goltanna (the late king's cousin) which means there's a power struggle brewing in Ivalice. Also, the peasants are revolting.
- Enroute to the fort we encounter a chocobo beset by goblins in Araguay Woods. We help it, but turn it loose 'cause we don't want to have to clean up chocobo droppings for the rest of our adventure (though perhaps we should have turned it into a tasty meal...)
- We arrive in Zeirchele Falls to find Delita and the Princess on a bridge, surrounded by Northern Sky Knights. The knights claim to be rescuing the Princess, but Delita claims the kidnapping was a scheme by Duke Larg in order to frame Duke Goltanna in killing Ovelia to remove her as a claimant to the thorne (in favour of the young Prince Orinus).
- Turns out Gaffgarion was in cahoots all along so he turns traitor. Naturally we manage to beat them all back (though Gaffy turns and runs when things start getting dicey).
- Our cheery reunion with Delita turns a bit sour as he postulates that Dycedarg had his hand in this scheme as well. Delita also doesn't think we can protect Ovelia forever, but he leaves her with us for the time being, for some reason of his own no doubt. Agrias is still determined though and seems to think Cardinal Delacroix of Lionel Castle might be able to help our cause. (Hint: he's a Cardinal.)
- On our way to Lionel Castle, we come across a group of possibly shadey characters in the Castled City of Zaland, led by one Ludovich, who are chasing a young machinist named Mustadio. Without assertaining the nature of the incident we jump into the fray in support of Mustadio.
- After the battle, we find out that Mustadio is being chased by the Baert Trading Company (well known for various black market dealings) though he refuses to say way (hmmm, suspicious much?) However, the Baert Company holds Mustadio's father prisoner and Mustadio think that Cardinal Delacroix can help save him and wants to tag along. Agrias doesn't trust him and refuses, but she's overridden by Ovelia. Guess it's good to be the, er, princess.
- Before leaving the city, Agrias and Ovelia take a few moments to kick back their heels and relax. Ovelia recalls her life in varous monasteries. She has apparantly met Ramza's sister, Alma. Also, according to Agrias, the Cardinal has, thus far, been neutral in the succession squabbles so she has high hopes that the Cardinal (and thereby the Glabados Church) will protect Ovelia.
- At our next stop, Balias Tor, a group of Baert thugs attempts to capture Mustadio again but we deal with them easily enough. Mustadio still isn't willing to say why they're after him so I guess we just keep trudging along for now.
- Meanwhile, back at Eagrose Castle, Gaffgarion is reporting to Dycedarg. Their conversation basically confirms that, yes, kidnapping Ovelia was Dycedarg's plan, though his men were found dead not far from the Monastery which means someone else has gotten wind of their plan (ie, Delita and whoever he's working with) and is trying to thwart them. He tells Gaffgarion to recapture the princess and kill off the rest of her entourage, including Ramza if he won't step aside. Nice brother you've got there, Ramza.
- We arrive in Lionel Castle and plead our case to Cardinal Delacroix who seems surprisingly accomodating to the Princess. He also seems to have an idea why Mustadio is here, displaying a red crystal - some auracite. It is supposedly one of the legendary "Zodiac Stones" and we get a quick lesson about the Zodiac Braves who have previously saved Ivalice from the demonic Lucavi.
- Anyway, it seems that the Baert Company are after some auracite that Mustadio's father found beneath the Clockwork City of Goug. It seems to be able to activate some of the ancient machines under the city, but Ludovich wants to use it to make weapons. The Cardinal offers to send some soldiers to Goug to route the Baert Company and Ramza and Mustadio decide to help out.
- On our way to Goug, we have a brief encounter with some undead in Tchigolith Fenlands, but they don't live long.
- We arrive in Goug only to find that it's quiet... too quiet. No sign of the Cardinal's men or Baert Company. Ramza and Mustadio decide to canvas the town and meet later in Goug's Lowtown.
- Ramza arrives in the Lowtown on time but Mustadio is nowhere to be seen. Then a man, presumably Ludovich, and his Baert lackies show up demanding the auracite. Mustadio went and got himself captured. How thoughtful of him. They also bring along Mustadio's father as incentive to get Mustadio to cooperate which he appears to do, having Ramza turn over a hidden Zodiac stone. And, surprise, surprise, it turns out that Ludovich was working for Cardinal Delacroix all along.
- Our merry band of fools is deemed to troublesome to let live so we end up having to fight off the Baert goons which isn't too troublesome. Afterwards we find out that what we gave to Ludovich was a fake stone. I guess Mustadio is at least somewhat clever after all.
- As the Cardinal has turned out to be tricksy and false, that means Ovelia and Agrias are in danger. Additionally, Mustadio and his father believe that the Cardinal is trying to use the Zodiac Brave legend to alleviate the pain and suffering of the tumultous times and, naturally, seize power and are unlikely to let go once he has it. He must be stopped!
- However, we're unlikely to be able to storm Lionel Castle from the front, so we're going to sail around to the Port City of Warjilis and try to sneak in the back route. Good luck with that.
- Arriving at port we have another run in with Delita who's still his cherry old self. He insists that Ramza is unable to rescue the princess but, of course, he's the one to do it (delusions of grandeur maybe?) He also talks enigmatically about how everyone else is swept up in the flow of events be he, alone, is swimming against it.
- Meanwhile, in Lionel Castle, Cardinal Delacroix is meeting with Gaffgarion and Ludovich. The crux of the conversation is that Gaffgarion is sent to use the Princess as bait to recapture the stone and Ludovich, who has apparently been a very disappointing minion, has failed the Cardinal for the last time. We don't get to see what happens, but Ludo is presumed dead, likely messily so.
- That delightful interlude over, Ramza and company arrive in Balias Swale and find Agrias fleeing some of the Gryffon Knights of Lionel. As it turns out, she and the princess had attempted (or been allowed?) escape, but the princess was recaptured and Agrias was heading back to re-rescue her so good timing on our part, I guess. Agrias also claims that Ovelia is to be executed so we have to make a change of course to Golgollada Gallows.
- At the execution site, the whole thing turns out to be a trap, using an imposter Ovelia to lure Ramza and company there. Gaffgarion tries to get Ramza to turn to the Dark Side, to return to his brothers and help them but Ivalice to rights, but Ramza refuses and says his brothers are justing using war for their own personal gain. He also starts getting all emo, blaming Tietra's death on his own inaction.
- Due to some luck at being able to break Gaffgarion's weapon early on in the battle, he turns into a total push over and before long he's running away with his tail between his leg. But now we've got to go to Lionel Castle to save the real Princess, for real!
- Meanwhile, in the dungeons of Lionel, Delita is trying to talk to Ovelia when the Cardinal and some other guy come in (so that's where Delita's loyalties are, for the moment, anyway). The other guy ends up telling the Princess that she's a fake, that the real Ovelia died years ago and she was set up as a replacement to eventually wrest power from the Queen since it was thought the King was to feeble to breed further. However, a prince was eventually produced (and it is implied that the King is probably not his real father) which creates the current predicament around succession.
- The Cardinal and his posse claim to want to put Ovelia in her rightful place on the throne and leave her to chew on things for a bit.
- Also meanwhile, waaay back an the Lenalian Plateau, good old Weigraf is visiting his sister's grave and vows revenge. Just then, another mysterious figure approaches (naming himself Loffrey), offering Weigraf help, and of course power, to achieve both his vengence and his goals of ousting the corrupt aristocracy.
- Back to Lionel as we storm the castle! Ramza somehow manages to get up on the ramparts (using no doubt as yet unrevealed dark arts) but before he can sprink the gate, Gaffgarion appears and triggers an ambush! This time the Fell Knight doesn't run and we defeat him once and for all. Now to save the princess!
- Meanwhile, at Zeirchele Falls, Delita has already fled Lionel with Ovelia in tow - doh! They are ambushed by a few members of the Order of the North Sky, but Delita makes short work of them. Ovelia now seems to have little choice but to follow Delita, regardless of his intentions.
- We then return to our castle invasion already in progress. Ramza and crew have entered Cardinal Delacroix's inner sanctum. After Ramza refuses to give the Cardinal the auracite and demands to know where Princess Ovelia is, the Cardinal tells Ramza what we already know through the magic of cutscenes: that Ovelia has already been taken to Zeltennia, having apparently accepted their offer to put her on the throne.
- The Cardinal attempts to turn Ramza to the dark side, tempting him with the ability to change the worlds and get even with his brothers (ah, sibling rivalry) but Ramza has no interest in changing anything, especially if it means innocents get harmed in the cross fire.
- That tact foiled, the Cardinal decides to try the direct approach, pulling out his own Zodiac Stone and transforms into the Lucavi Cuchulainn the Impure. Battle ensues and, after a few attempts, we manage to defeat him, by the skin of our teeth. Cuchulainn explodes, leaving his Zodiac Stone behind.
- In the mean time, Delita arrives at Zeltennia and comes before Duke Goltanna. In addition to telling how he "rescued" the Princess, he has brought a prisoner who claims that the kidnapping was masterminded by one of Goltanna's own advisors to gain favour with Larg and keep Goltanna out of power. The prisoner points out the supposed traiter (who claims to know nothing) and Delita sumarily executes him then and there. So much for fair trials it seems.
- Delita goads Goltanna into leading the Order of the Southern Sky against Lesalia, forcing Larg to mobilize the Northern Sky. This whole incident prompts Goltanna to get the Queen banished and crown Ovelia as Queen. In retaliation, Larg also crowns Prince Orinus, naming himself regent. The two sides go to war, instigating the War of the Lions.
Chapter 3: The Valiant
- Three Months later, Duke Goltanna confers with various advisers and generals as to the state of the war. Crops are not doing well on either side and famine is a real danger. Cidolfus Orlandeau (aka, Thunder God Cid) proposes peace talks, but Goltanna's having none of that and decides to raise taxes instead in order to fund the continuing war.
- Ramza and co. are on their way to Lesalia so that Ramza can tell his brothers about the shadowy underpinnings of the war and to try his hand at "swimming against the tide" as it were.
- Enroute, they encounter a young astrologer named Orran in The Mining Town of Gollund who has run afowl of a den of thieves. Once again, without assertaining the nature of the conflict we jump in on the side of Orran. The thieves do not prove too troublesome and they are soon dispatched.
- Orran is headed in the opposite direction of us so he turns down the offer to tag along, though he does seem to find the fact that Ramza is a Beoulve interesting for some reason. Oh well, we'll just keep heading on our merry way.
- We arrive in Lesalia with no further incidents and Ramza goes and visits his brother Zalbaag and reveals his suspicions that Dycedarg and Larg were plotting together to kidnap the princess and fuel the war for their own personal gain. Zalbaag doesn't take too kindly to this, insults Ramza's mother (they're only half-brothers, after all) and basically tells him to get out of his sight.
- Ramza takes the hint, but before he can make a clean get away, his sister Alma comes and tries to talk to him to find out what's going on. She hints that she's previously seen a piece of auracite (implied to be the Virgo stone) at Orbonne Monastery and wants to tag along as one of Ramza's groupies.
- This conversation goes on just long enough for Confessor Zalmour, of the Glabados Church to show up and accuse Ramza of murdering Cardinal Delacroix. Ramza tries to explain what really happened but of course the Inquisitor won't have any of it.
- Ramza's choices are to surrender, which will probably result in an eventual declaration of guilt and, thus, death; flee, thereby admitting guilt; or fight. Ramza chooses to fight. The Confessor ends up fleeing and Ramza now sets off to Orbonne to hunt for the Virgo stone with Alma in tow.
- We arrive in the Monastery to find that somebody's already gotten there before us and is riffling through the vaults looking for Virgo (one of the crown jewels of Ivalice). Elder Simon has been injured and tries to disuade Ramza from persuing the intruders but Ramza is headstrong and foolhardy and so persists.
- According to Simon, High Confessor Marcel and his group want to restore the Church to prominence so they instigate civil war to weaken potential opponents and use the Zodiac Brave story to win the trust of the common folk.
- Simon also thinks Ramza is more like his father than his brothers and might be able to put a stop to all this. Way to go and inflate his ego there. So Ramza heads into the vaults to stop them, leaving Alma to look after Simon. He also gives his auracite to her for safe keeping.
- A bunch of Temple Knights, lead by one Isilud, are searching for Virgo in the vaults. We drive them off, but not before they find the blasted thing. Chasing them on the way out, we are delayed by our dear old friend, Wiegraf, who we zerg rush because, boy, is he nasty! (Wiegraf has joined this group for the prospect of power, it seems.)
- Despite our efforts, the thugs manage to escape with the stone, and they take Alma with them! The nerve! Also, the injured and dieing Wiegraf seems to hold the Aries stone and he forms a pact with it as Ramza looks on, becoming one with Belias the Gigas.
- Simon limps out of the Monastery and confesses his negligence in turning a blind eye and hands over the Scriptures of Germonique that he has recently uncovered which purport to reveal the truth of the Zodiac Braves.
- We head north to Dorter and are accosted by a strange mage-type (hello Marach) who demands that Ramza turn over the book. Ramza admits to not having read the thing, but figures it must be important considering hitmen are being sent to waylay him over it. The mage does not really illuminate things but only says that if Ramza wants to see Alma again then he'll bring the book to Riovannes Castle.
- Meanwhile, Delita and Ovelia are off in some ruins somewhere as they head for destinations unknown. Ovelia gets all whiney about how she's not really the "real" Ovelia and Delita takes a moment to rail against the establishment. Then they share a rare tender moment when Delita promises to create an Ivalice worthy of Ovelia and swears to do so by his dead sister Tietra. That's either sweet or kinda morbid.
- Back at the ranch, Ramza decides he may as well check out this book thing that people seem like they're willing to kill over.
- The Germonique Scriptures were written by a disciple of St. Ajora (the titular Germonique) and records details of Ajora's life. Ramza recalls the legends surrounding Ajora - his sainthood and supposedly being a child of god and something about defeating a demon summoned by an overly ambitious king - but Germonique records something quite different.
- According to Germonique, Ajora was simply a rabble rouser who had made himself a nuissance to the governments of the day and Germonique was a spy sent to investigate the details. Of course the growing Glabados Church made Ajora into a saint and has suppressed the truth, claiming that Ajora had assembled the legendary Zodiac Braves to defeat the supposed demon.
- And now this book has fallen into Ramza, who has been branded a heretic and has no reason to look favourably upon the Glabados Church which makes for an interesting recipe. Anyway, on to Riovanes!
- Our journey north is rudely interrupted whilst crossing the Zeklaus Desert when we come across an odd young man being chased by a heard of behemoths. Ramza once again shows his proclivity for jumping to conclusions and enters the fray on behalf of the young fellow without adequately assessing the situation. I mean, what if this guy's some super villain or the behemoths have some ligitmate grievance against him? We'll just never know their side of the story.
- The behemoths are defeated and the odd fellow turns out to be Luso, a game hunter (aha! it would seem the behemoths may have been justified after all) who has become separated from his friends and is looking for them. He also has some diary, er, "journal" that he writes in. Even though only pansies write in diaries, that is, "journals", Ramza decides to let him tag along anyway.
[NOTE: Luso is the main character of Final Fantasy Tactics A2: The Grimoire of the Rift and is one of the new special characters in the PSP port of FFT. The journal thing is a reference to the magic journal he carries around in A2.]
- Continuing on, we come to Grogh Heights where we encounter some deserters from the Order of the Southern Sky. They recognize Ramza as a wanted Heretic and think that if they capture him (dead or alive) they might be able to get an honourable discharge. Unfortunately for them, Ramza's not going to go quietly.
- After the battle, Orran, that astrologer from the start of the chapter, rides in with some knights in tow and thanks us for mopping up their deserters. As his orders don't include catching heretics, he and Ramza chat amicably.
- Ramza asks Orran to pass a message to Orlandeau that there are others behind the scenes pulling the strings of this war. Orran agrees (he's Orlandu's adopted son) and tells Ramza that they have their own suspicions about the conspiracies at work but have no proof. He also tells Ramza that he has allies which, I suppose, is good to know.
- We then come to the Walled City of Yardrow and continue Ramza's habit of taking sides by rescuing a girl named Rapha from a group we decide looks less than savory. She fills us in on some regional politics: Grand Duke Barrington, lord of Fovoham, is plotting to use the chaos of war to take over Ivalice for himself! The horror!
- Rapha's less than appologetic brother, Marach (the mage who demanded the Germonique Scriptures from us earlier), however, seems to support the Grand Duke and went so far to make threats against Alma's life if Ramza didn't hurry up and get his ass to Riovanes, and now Rapha's presence is demanded as well. Then Marach's messenger frog explodes. How nifty is that?
- As a side note, Rapha and Marach were orphans from the Fifty Years War, brought up by the Grand Duke, though his intentions weren't entirely honourable. He wanted to make use of the powers that the siblings' family possessed and while Marach is still in his pocket, as it were, it seems Rapha has wisened up to his schemes.
- Next, passing through the Yuguewood, Ramza's crew is beset by ghosts of some of those who perished during the 50 years war. They do the Ghostbusters proud by sending them to their eternal rest. There is now nothing standing between Ramza and the grueling gauntlet known as Riovanes Castle.
- As Ramza marches on Riovanes, Duke Barrington has a nice fire side chat with Formav and Wiegraf of the Templar Knights. He says that those with power will control Ivalice and asks the Templar Knights to join with him as he insinuates that he knows about the Zodiac Stones despite Formav playing dumb and comments that he has two for safe keeping. He further blackmails them with threats of using the Germonique scriptures to reveal the Church's schemes.
- Formav doesn't take too kindly to blackmail and goes all Zodiac Beast on Barrington's ass.
- Meanwhile, Marach is sent to the castle gates to get the scriptures from Ramza, offering Alma's saftey in return, but Rapha tells Ramza not to believe him. So instead, Ramza jumps on Marach with the pointy end of a spear and Marach flees, with Rapha giving chase. Ramza's troops mop up the rest of the riff-raff with no trouble.
- While this is going on, inside the castle, Alma hears the sounds of bloody carnage from her cell. A wounded soldier stumbles in and tells her to run while she has the chance. Well, Alma's not stupid so she takes the chance and runs.
- Ramza then wanders into Riovanes' Keep where Weigraf stands amidst several dead soldiers. He tells Ramza to draw his sword, but Ramza just stands there and says that he pities Weigraf, and wonders what Milleuda must think of all this.
- Weigraf retorts that this is no longer about avenging his sister's death, nor is it about anything noble or righteous at all. He's now all about creating as much chaos as possible. Well, I suppose it's nice to have a goal, but still...
- This leads to a one-on-one duel between Ramza and Weigraf, during which Ramza tries to convince Weigraf that the stones are evil, tools of the Lucavi, but Weigraf just goes on about how it's all about controlling people's perceptions. The winner gets to write history, essentially. Anyway, Ramza was a Dragoon for this battle so it's all just a matter of jumping on Weigraf with the pointy end of a spear a couple of times in order to take him out.
- Weigraf tries to run away, but Ramza tells him to show himself. Obediently, Weigraf returns but now he transforms into Belias, the Gigas. Since Ramza's troops are now backing him up, Belias summons a trio of archdemons for support. This is kind of a tough battle (though auto-potion is brokenly awesome for it) but Ramza and troops manage to pull out a win.
- The defeated Belias drops his zodiac stone and we then switch to the council chambers which is notably bloodier than when we left it. Temple Knight Isilude is looking to be in pretty rough shape. Alma wanders in and tries to help Isilude, but the wounded knight tells her that, having seen his father Formav turn into a lucavi, he now things Ramza is correct and gives Alma a stone he was holding to give to Ramza, then Isilude dies.
- Before Alma can go anywhere, Formav enters and prepares to kill her, but his stone seems to react to her in a strange way and he now thinks he "found" someone, though he's maddenly vague about it. So, he simply chooses to render her unconscious and kidnap her. Fortunately, Alma drops the stone Isilude gave her without Formav noticing.
- Meanwhile, on the roof of the castle, Rapha confronts Duke Barrington (who has somehow escaped the carnage in the castle) and more-or-less mocks her. Marach hears the conversation and finally realizes that Barrington is really a rat bastard. The Duke attempts to shoot Rapha, but Marach takes the bullet for her.
- Barrington demands the Rapha hand over the stone, but then a mysterious figure appears and unceremoniously tosses the duke off the roof. Well, that was easy. But wait! It's Marquis Elmdore! According to the tavern rumours, he was supposed to be dead...
- The Marquis is, naturally, not human any more, but he just sics a couple of assassins on us for now, who we dispatch.
- After the fight, Rapha mourns for Marach, causing the Scorpio stone to react. Ramza fears the worst (naturally, after the Wiegraf incident) but the stone simply revives Marach, without turning him into some horrible ravening beast creature.
- Ramza takes a moment to search the castle for Alma but only finds the Pisces stone that she dropped. Marach waxes philosophical (I suppose death will do that to a person) and supposes that the stones' power reflects the intent of the wielder.
- Anyway, the War of the Lions rages on and events at Riovannes suggest that Folmarv may be at the centre of things, manipulating even the High Confessor Marcel. Ramza suspects that Delita may know more so we set course for Zeltennia.
Chapter 4: In the Name of Love
- Elsewhere, Orran (that astrologer guy we saved earlier) welcomes Orlandeau back to Zeltennia and reports on recent events, seemingly connected to the Zodiac stones and suspicions surrounding the Church and the Templar Knights. Orlandeau then pulls out the Libra stone, reflecting it cannot remain hidden for long. Dun, dun, dun.
- And before we go chasing after Delita, Ramza makes a detour down to Goug to talk to Mustadio's father who found some strange metalic sphere thing that reacts to the Zodiac stones and has an Aquarius symbol inscribed in it. What could it mean?
- Passing through the Mining Town of Gollund, Ramza hears rumours of strange beasts in the area and teams up with one Beowulf who is looking for a dragon. Fighting through several areas of the city, we eventually come to a store room or some such where a dragon is surrounded by a bunch of monsters, including a demon type.
- After a brief fight, the dragon is saved. This is Reis and is apparently the dragon Beowulf was looking for. Out of thanks, Beowulf gives Ramza the Aquarius stone and he and Reis join up with his travelling circus.
- Ramza then goes back to Goug and uses the Aquarius stone to activate that sphere thing which transforms into a might morphin' robot thing which, as a joke, Ramza commands to pound Mustadio into the ground. Good thing Phoenix Downs are plentiful, right? Anyway, the robot (aka Construct 8) joins up 'cause we know it's got some wicked dance moves.
- We now return to our regularly scheduled quest and head east to Dugeura Pass where some local mooks attempt to ambush us and say that we won't get through the pass whilst they are alive. Well, I think we all know the solution to this problem. A short skirmish later, Ramza and co. are moseying along, putting this minor speed bump behind them.
- Continuing east towards Zeltennia, we arrive in the Free City of Bervenia where Knight Templar Meliadoul attempts to seek revenge on Ramza for killing her brother, Isilud. Ramza tries to tell her that it was really a Lucavi that killed Isilud, but she just scoffs at Ramza in an "oh, yeah, I've heard that one before!" kind of way. So we steal all of her stuff before defeating her soundly. Miliadoul just shakes her fist and says "Next time, Ramza - next time!"
- Meanwhile, off in a castle somewhere, Delita still mourns the death of his sister, Tietra, and overhears Ovelia making fart noises, which turns out to be her actually trying (and failing) to blow a reed whistle. Delita shows her how it's actually done and then promises not to let Ovelia get used and discarded the way his sister was.
- Back to the journey east, we are accosted by a flock of chocobos whilst trying to cross Finnath Creek, including the most evil of chocobos: the notorious red chocobo (we hates them and their Choco Meteor). For some reason, the chocobos are accompanied by a pig. Anyway, after quickly dispatching the reds, we play with the rest for a bit for some job points and continue on our way.
- We finally arrive in Zeltennia Castle and Ramza goes to the cathedral, which is where Delita finds him. Ramza decides to take the direct approach and asks Delita why the church has planted him in Goltana's troops. Delita sees no harm in spilling the beans (isn't this one of those evil overlord do-not-dos?) and says its his job to assassinate Goltanna and Orlandeau.
- Further, the peasants are tired of war and are getting kind of revolting but the aristocrats lack the troops to repress them so all sides are converging on Fort Besselat to end things in one swift stroke. The church will take this opportunity to assassinate the leaders (Goltanna, Orlandeau, Larg, Dycedarg, etc.) and, with the help of the Zodiac Brave story and the auracite, the church will gain the favour of the people, setting up Ivalice as a puppet state under their rule.
- Of course, Ramza's been making a nuisance of himself by hindering the Church's auracite collection plans. Delita declares that he will kill Ramza if he needs to, but for now since they both have the same short term goals (ending the war), they are not yet enemies.
- Ramza asks Delita to join him, but Delita refuses, since he intends to protect Ovelia.
- Just then, Confessor Zalmour, along with his merry band of henchmen, surrounds the Cathedral and demands Ramza to turn himself over. Naturally, Ramza's having none of this. The Confessor spots Delita who decides that he can't let Zalmo see him and live so Delita temporarily joins up with Ramza for the ensuing battle.
- After dispatching the Confessor, one Valmafra, a mage working with Delita, informed him that the Order of the Northern Sky had started its advance on Fort Besselat. Ramza heads out to try to get to Orlandu first and avoid a major clash.
- Before wandering off to Besselat, Ramza and crew pick up on some rumours (Bervenia and Dorter) concerning a rash of thefts. Before leaving Dorter, a group of thugs ambush Ramza only to find he's not the droid they were looking for, but since he's been branded a heretic and has a price on his head they'll try to catch him anyway.
- However, that's when the real target, the Sky Pirate Balthier, shows up and the thugs think they get two bounties for the price of one, but alas, it is not to be as Ramza and Baltheir team up to beat them senseless.
- It turns out that Balthier is searching for the "Cache of Glabados" for reasons of his own and decides to tag along with Ramza for a bit as they both seem to be in the Church's bad books right now. As a bonus, Balthier has experience babysitting children (as he puts it, to Ramza's chagrin).
[Note: Balthier is originally from Final Fantasy XII (also set in Ivalice) and is one of the new secret characters for the PSP port.]
- Then it's off to play in the sand - the Beddha Sandwaste, that is. However, someone's already there, ruining our sandbox. Knight Templar Barich is releasing airborn poison which he intends to use to draw out the defenders by weaking their enemies, thus making it easier to assassinate all the leaders at once. Ramza just goes and beats him up because who wants to play in a poisoned sandbox?
- Meanwhile, in Fort Besselat, Duke Goltanna accuses Orlandeau of being a traitor (despite twenty years of loyal service and continued denials) and has him imprisoned. This is because, back in Zeltennia, Ramza foolishly told Delita he was heading there to deliver evidence to expose the church's schemes (the Germonique scriptures) and Delita arrived first while Ramza was playing in the sand.
- Goltanna then goes on to promote Delita and gives him the command of the Order of the Southern Sky. Bad move, there.
- Anyway, now Ramza arrives at Fort Besselat and is given the option to approach from the north or the south. Ramza chooses south and is beset by a bunch of Southern Sky flunkies who try to stop us from talking to Orlandeau despite us being, you know, the good guys. That's what Ramza gets for blabbing his plans to Delita. However, this obstacle is quickly removed.
- Meanwhile, on the north side of the fort, the poison that had been released has successfully incapacitated the Northern Sky. Zalbaag enters the battlefield (or what's left), and finds Dycedarg who is limping along, apparently having been affected by the poison himself.
- Ramza's two older brothers find Duke Larg nearby, also weak from the poison, and Dycedarg takes the opportunity to stab the Duke. Seem's everyone's a traitor these days. Dycedarg has apparently been plotting to have house Beoulve rise to the top and sees this as his opportunity. He then intimidates Zalbaag into planting the dagger on one of the soldiers (thereby shifting the blame) before he collapses himself.
- In the mean time, Ramza has arrived at the Fort Besselat Sluice. Ramza gets the brilliant idea to open the sluice and flood the battlefield, thus preventing any fighting. What does he think this is, Orthanc? And won't he just drown everyone?
- Not one to dwell on such consequences, Ramza and his lackies dive head first into battle, disposing all who stand in their way, until they are able to release the river. Water goes crashing down stream and, presumably, everything becomes wet and soggy.
- In the subsequent chaos, Ramza and Orran, plus Valmafra, one of Delita's flunkies (what's she doing here?) release Orlandeau from captivity and he decides now would be a good time to make himself scarce and tags along with Ramza's growing menagerie. Meanwhile, Orran is sent to Zeltennia to keep an eye on Princess Ovelia.
- As Ramza makes his getaway, Delita checks in on Duke Goltanna. Goltanna wants Delita to pursue the Northern Sky despite the flood, but Delita decides he'd much rather run the Duke through. He then sacrifices a Glabados fanatic disguised as a fake Orlandeau and Valmafra reports that the real Thunder God has escaped with Ramza. Delita seems to be counting on Ramza to do something...
- High Confessor Marcel offers to broker peace between the sides but they don't feel like sharing the playground just yet. Ramza decides he'd rather head to Limberry Castle to rescue Alma.
- In the Trade City of Sal Ghidos, Ramza encounters a strangely familiar flower girl who sells him a flower for 1 gil. (This is Aeris - or Aerith - a crossover from FF7.)
- This encounter unlocks an event back at Goug where Mustadio's father has dug up some wild contraption that has the Cancer Zodiac symbol on which means it's stone huntin' time. This takes us back to Nelveska Temple which is waaaay up north of Zeltennia. Here we fight Construct 7 who is guarding the temple or something. He, along with a pack of other nasty things, packs a punch but then so does Ramza and crew. Defeating Worker 7 earns the Cancer stone.
- While at Nelveska, Beowulf "borrows" the Cancer stone (he'll give it back, promise!) and sends the Holy Dragon Reis with it into the temple. This just so happens to uncurse the dragon, and out walks the human female, Reis, who seems to be acquanted with Mr. Beowulf.
- Back in Goug, the Cancer stone is used to activate the contraption and much to Mustadio's relief, this time it does not come alive and KO him. Instead, it summons a strangely familiar, and grouchy, SOLDIER. Hello Cloud! Seems he's still suffering from chronic migranes and goes running off, presumably in search of a doctor or a good shrink.
- A bit confused, Ramza decides to get back to the matter at hand and heads to Limberry. But the journey is interrupted in Sal Ghidos (again!) by a group of theives who are trying to extort money from the flower girl, whom they call Aerith. Cloud stumbles in, still suffering from headaches (or maybe a hangover) and it's up to Ramza to mop things up since Cloud turns out to be useless in a fight, always running off to a corner to hide.
- Afterwards, Cloud mumbles something about having to get to the Promised Land and Ramza decides to let him tag along out of pity.
- That out of the way, Ramza continues south towards Limberry, encountering a couple of minor speed bumps in the form of some bandits on Mount Germinas who try (and fail) to collect the bounty on Ramza's head and the restless dead at Lake Poescas who try (and fail) to steal our auracite.
- Meanwhilst, Knight Templar Loffrey pays a visit to Ramza's dear eldest brother Dycedarg and casually accuses him of assassinating Duke Larg which, naturally, Dycedarg denies. Loffrey then discusses the poison used at Fort Besselat and uses that to imply that Dycedarg poisoned his father. This leaves Dycedarg somewhat flabergasted but he still swims in denial. Not to be detered, Loffrey leaves a gift from High Confessor Marcel in the form of a Zodiac stone. It also happens that the middle brother, Zalbaag, was listening to the whoe thing outside the door.
- Anyway, Ramza goes stumbling headlong into Limberry Castle to find the door wide open. He gets a bad feeling just as a pair of assassins (Celia and Lettie) who work for Marquis Elmdore appear. it's a trap! They say Alma is inside, so we've got to fight them. They're annoying as heck (though Ramza does learn Ultima from them), but despite the stated mission objectives, you actually only have to take down one of them to win.
- When one assassin is defeated, they both flee to Elmdore who is talking to Lord Folmarv who are discussing that a host as recently been chosen for Adrammelech and that "that girl" will be the host for the High Seraph. Elmdore then goes to attend to the matter of Ramza.
- Ramza faces off against Elmdore who, like his lackies, is annoying but manageable. He flees to the necroholl when critically wounded and Ramza pursues, of course. (Though on the way, Ramza encounters and defeats Argath again, just as arrogant as before but notably more undead. Much easier fight than the other two.)
- In the necroholl, Elmdore summons some undead and transforms into Zalera, the Death Seraph. Meliadoul chooses this moment to wander onto the scene and seeing the Lucavi in the flesh she decides that Ramza was probably telling the truth about events at Riovannes and the death of her brother Isilud. After the battle, she decides to join our rag-tag band and tells Ramza that a Zodiac stone was given to his brother Dycedarg, so we're probably going to be paying him a visit next (or soon).
- Elsewhere, presumably in Zeltennia, Orran fights his way to Ovelia's chambers to tell her that Orlandeau didn't really kill Goltanna (ah, so Delita was framing T.G. Cid) but before he can reveal the truth, Delita catches up, along with his flunky Valmafra. Delita doesn't seem to want to kill Orran as he has some sort of plan for him as he builds a legend for himself.
- Delita now plans to take down the Order of the Northern Sky and rebuild Ivalice for Ovelia and those who oppose him, including the Church, will be dealt with. Valmafra, being an agent of the Church, moves to assassinate Delita but she hesitates and Delita, who was expecting this, finishes her off first.
- Meanwhile, Zalbaag takes a herbalist to visit his father's grave. He pays the herbalist to confirm the presense of mossfungus on the grave. This does not seem to bode well.
- On the way to Eagrose Castle to slap around his brother, Ramza is stopped in Dorter by Knight Templar Cletienne. Meliadoul attempts to learn more from him about the truth about her father, Folmarv, and what his plans are but Cletienne basically just mocks her and claimes he's in the right. Anyway, the Knight Templar proves just to be a minor speed bump. He seems to be buying time for something... but what?
- Ramza arrives at Eagrose with his own personal army in tow. However, there are no guards in sight so Ramza walks in without a fight.
- Inside, Ramza finds Zalbaag confronting Dycedarg about their father. Dycedarg calls in the mooks, just as Ramza and crew arrive to lend Zalbaag a hand and help clean up.
- When defeated, Dycedarg transforms into Adrammelech and says he poisoned their father because he was letting House Beoulve's chance to rule Ivalice (due to an increasingly weak and divided royal house, not to mention an increasingly disaffected populace) pass by. He then zaps Zalbaag, appearing to vapourize him. However, Ramza's crew makes short work of Adrammelech as the overmatched Lucavi barely gets to do anything thanks to the fight starting with Ramza's team being pre-buffed with haste.
- Ramza then heads to Mullonde, seat of the Church, to rescue Alma. However, Folmarv has decided that High Confessor Marcel is no longer necessary due to Ramza having obtained most of the auracite already. He forces the location of the Necrohol out of him (under Orbonnne Monastery) and the means to break its seal (the Germonique scripture) which, conveniently, Ramza also has. With no further need of the High Confessor, Folmarv has him impaled and left for dead.
- Ramza arrives at the cathedral in Mullonde and foolishly walks up to the front door demanding Alma's release. The temple guards are only too happy to attempt to execute him, only they don't count on the power of Math and are quickly taken down.
- Ramza enters the cathedral and finds the High Confessor who is still twitching. He manages to make himself mildly useful before dieing by telling Ramza about Orbonne.
- Folmarv and his remaining flunkies (Cletienne and Loffrey) try to barter Alma's life for the Scriptures and the auracite, but Ramza's not entirely stupid and only gives them the Scriptures and keeps the Zodiac Stones upon confirmation that Alma is safe.
- When the contents of the Scriptures are confirmed, Folmarv tries to take the auracite by force, but he and his flunkies run away when one of them becomes critically wounded, the cowards.
- Ramza enters the crypts, thinking to pursue them, but instead finds a much undeader looking Zalbaag and some demons. Zalbaag is unable to fight the control of the Lucavi and begs Ramza for release. Ramza's company defeats him and Zalbaag sort of explodes. Messy. I guess being undead will do that to you.
- House Beoulve is now at an end, but the only thing left to do is pursue Folmarv, put a stop to his dastardly plans, and rescue Alma. Of course that means one thing: go do some side quests!
- Actually, most of the side quests are already complete. In wandering around, at Lionel Castle, Beowulf and Reis enjoy a peaceful moment only to have Reis kidnapped by one Ser Aliste on behalf of Bremondt, new lord of Lionel (succeeding Delacroix) who is apparently the one responsible for Reis' curse.
- Ramza, Beowulf and company return to Lionel to lay the smack down. It turns out Aliste was dieing and wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. After that, we fight Bremondt and his lackies who, interestingly, are all female. Seems Bremondt had a thing for Reis and tried to curse Beowulf to take him out of the picture, but Reis took the curse for Beowulf instead.
- Beowulf and Bremandt debate about the nature of love a bit but we otherwise pound him into the ground. Before being defeated, he transforms into a Dark Dragon. After that, Beowulf and Reis are happily reunited and we continue on our merry way.
- Up in Zeltennia, Agrias (who has somehow managed to sneak past guards or whatever) finds Ovelia and appologises for not being around to protect her since she's been off galavanting with Ramza fighting demons and stuff. Agrias gives Ovelia a dagger for protection and leaves her in Delita's protection, though Agrias doesn't really seem to trust him.
- Then, a rumour in Gariland suggests some Northern Sky deserters are making themselves annoying in the Brigands' Den so we go and clear them out.
- Finally, a trip down to Warjilis opens up the Midlight's Deep for later exploration, but I'll worry about that some other time.
- Now it's time to go hit up Orbonne Monastery. Folmarv, Loffrey and their associates are up to their dastardly misdeads but we first have to dispatch a group of peons to get to them. Yawn.
- Loffrey is the first challenger. He doesn't pose a serious challenge though can be slightly annoying (don't break my Genji armour, gah! well, at least I'm not saving this). When defeated, Loffrey opens a portal which teleports everyone down to the Mullonde Necrohol and then destroys the exit, thinking to trap Ramza there forever. Then he dies.
- Next up is Cletienne in the ruins of some dead city. Since the goal of this sequence of battles is just to defeat the main guy (Loffrey, Cletinne and so on) I decide to go for the jugular vein since there's really not much point in collecting crystals or anything at this point. Cletienne goes down like a rag doll, plus Math Skills are way overpowered :)
- Next is Barich who was the guy with the poison at the Beddha Sandwaste. As with the others before him, he falls swiftly.
- This brings Ramza, at long last, to the Airship Graveyard where Formav is attempting to resurrect Saint Ajora into the body of Alma using the Virgo stone. When this does not appear to be working, he decides a blood sacrifice is required and transforms into Hashmal, Bringer of Order, and attacks Ramza's party.
- Hashmal is defeated without too much difficulty. However, Saint Ajora has still not revived, so Hashmal decides rather than suffer an epic fail, he'll sacrifice himself to revive her (hey, he's pretty much already dead so nothing to lose, I suppose).
- Alma finally awakes but is then possessed by Saint Ajora, aka the Bloody Angel. Alma's got some fight in her, however, and the two somehow separate. Saint Ajora then transforms into Ultima, the High Seraph and summons some demons to aid her.
- Reiterating that Math Skills are overpowered, I take out the helper demons in pretty much one shot, even at the cost of damaging a couple of my own units (totally worth it). Then we're free to keep hitting Ultima until she falls down.
- Except in Final Fantasy tradition, Ultima then transforms into her true, much deader looking form. At this point, however, we just continue the "hit it until it falls down" strategy which goes smoothly, despite one of my units being turned into a frog near the end. Then Ultima blows up for good. Somewhere in there, she also implies that Ramza is ultimately descended from the person who originally defeated/sealed/whatevered Saint Ajora in the first place.
- Cut to the end of a funeral in a graveyard. The mourners are mourning the loss of Alma and of the entire Beoulve house, though Ramza was apparently denied a funeral or proper burial as a heretic.
- The mourners leave and Orran arrives, with Valmafra in tow. Seems Delita didn't actually kill her after all. Seems Orran has been watched, or he'd have come sooner. Musing on recent events, he can't seem to accept that Ramza is actually dead.
- Delita is now King, having married Ovelia. With the various pretenders for the throne dead and the demon summoning conspiracy ended by Ramza's efforts, Ivalice is now in relative peace.
- Then, as Orran turns to go, Ramza and Alma ride by on Chocobo and off into the sunset.
- As Ramza and Alma are riding off, we are then told how Orran wrote up the Durai papers, recording the truth of the events that he witnessed. However, the Church didn't much care for them so had Orran burned at the stake as a heretic. Ultimately, though, the truth will out and the papers were eventually uncovered by one "Arazlam Durai" who is the one who has been recounting this whole history.
- After the credits, there is one final scene between Ovelia and Delita in the ruins of the Zeltennia Chapel. Delita brings Ovelia flowers, but Ovelia is angry at the way Delita uses everyone and, afraid that he'll just toss her aside some day when she's no longer useful, she stabs him and Delita stabs her back. So, everyone dies and it's a happy, cheerful ending.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Three Little Words
I did marking for the final for the class I was TAing this past term earlier this week which, as usual, was a barrel of fun, for some sufficiently lenient definition of "fun". Though in all honesty, the exams for this class (both midterm and final) was actually fairly easy - probably one of the easier pair of exams to mark from my experience so far. Still boring, but not too horribly bad.
Even so, the best three words a marker can encounter when marking an exam are "Did Not Write", generally abbreviated as "DNW". As should be plain, this means that a student (for whatever reason) did not show up to write the exam. This is, as one should expect, very easy to mark! The second best thing that a marker can see is a question that was left blank. Also easy to mark, but there may still be other questions to mark on the exam.
Anyway, TAing is all done until next term so I get a few weeks of not having to do any TA stuff at the very least.
Freak Out,
Even so, the best three words a marker can encounter when marking an exam are "Did Not Write", generally abbreviated as "DNW". As should be plain, this means that a student (for whatever reason) did not show up to write the exam. This is, as one should expect, very easy to mark! The second best thing that a marker can see is a question that was left blank. Also easy to mark, but there may still be other questions to mark on the exam.
Anyway, TAing is all done until next term so I get a few weeks of not having to do any TA stuff at the very least.
Freak Out,
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Sound of Silence
My graphics card has been dieing a slow and rather noisy death - or, at least, the fan has been. Last night, the way it was acting up, I decided that it's final death was probably imminent and that it should be replaced as soon as possible.
Now, I've been putting off replacing it for a few months or so now because getting a new graphics card necessitates upgrading my PC's power supply as it's a lowly 300W and most new-ish graphics cards seem to require at least 400W. This increases the cost of replacing my ailing graphics card (approximately doubling the cost, depending on power supply/graphics card) and, as a student on a limited budget, I have been hesitant to spend the money to upgrade even though it was fairly obvious that I would have to sooner or later.
However! I recently received word that a funding application my supervisor and I put in over the summer was approved so now I have some confirmed funding for next year, and a decent amount more than what I've been getting to date. Thus, I decided now was the time to go ahead and upgrade. I went out today and bought myself a new graphics card (Radeon 5670, for the curious) and a 700W power supply. And it's so quiet! I can barely hear anything at all! It's so wonderful.
I also noticed, whilst I was buying the new graphics card, that there were some 24" widescreen Samsung LCD monitors on sale ($70 off) so I decided to pick one of those up as well as I've been kind of itching to upgrade my monitor. Yeah, I'm splurging. But it's worth it! The new monitor is so glorious! I'm running at a resolution of 1920x1080 and everything is crisp and smooth. It's freaking fantastic!
That is all,
-Freak Out
Now, I've been putting off replacing it for a few months or so now because getting a new graphics card necessitates upgrading my PC's power supply as it's a lowly 300W and most new-ish graphics cards seem to require at least 400W. This increases the cost of replacing my ailing graphics card (approximately doubling the cost, depending on power supply/graphics card) and, as a student on a limited budget, I have been hesitant to spend the money to upgrade even though it was fairly obvious that I would have to sooner or later.
However! I recently received word that a funding application my supervisor and I put in over the summer was approved so now I have some confirmed funding for next year, and a decent amount more than what I've been getting to date. Thus, I decided now was the time to go ahead and upgrade. I went out today and bought myself a new graphics card (Radeon 5670, for the curious) and a 700W power supply. And it's so quiet! I can barely hear anything at all! It's so wonderful.
I also noticed, whilst I was buying the new graphics card, that there were some 24" widescreen Samsung LCD monitors on sale ($70 off) so I decided to pick one of those up as well as I've been kind of itching to upgrade my monitor. Yeah, I'm splurging. But it's worth it! The new monitor is so glorious! I'm running at a resolution of 1920x1080 and everything is crisp and smooth. It's freaking fantastic!
That is all,
-Freak Out
Monday, November 29, 2010
Centennial Something or Other
It appears that this is my 100th post. Considering that I've had this blog for almost two and a half years already, that tells you something about my posting frequency.
Anyway, I'm going to celebrate my 100th post by doing a follow-up to my previous post in the form of a video. Behold! (Or don't, eyes may bleed, I can't be held responsible.)
Hmmm. The default video frame selected by YouTube says it all, I think, and is quite amusingly appropriate.
This is actually why it took me so bloody long to get around to making that post about my FR porting experiment. I had originally wanted to do a narrated video describing things, but never found the time or motivation. Instead, I decided to slap something together, call it a day and inflict it upon my readership, such as it is.
The only thing I'll note is that most of the music in the video (which was added through the magic of video editing) was composed by my brother with one small piece by myself. In order, they are:
Victory Fanfare
Here's the Boss
Walking Around in a Fog
Canackian Theme
New Folk Song
Dungeon 2
Merv's Theme
The Reel of the Drunken Sailor
New Folk Song (again)
Elvis Theme
Merv's Theme (again)
Flute Song (I composed this for a music theory class)
Appliance Theme
Dungeon 1
The Reel of the Drunk Sailor (again)
Substation Theme
Freak Out,
Anyway, I'm going to celebrate my 100th post by doing a follow-up to my previous post in the form of a video. Behold! (Or don't, eyes may bleed, I can't be held responsible.)
Hmmm. The default video frame selected by YouTube says it all, I think, and is quite amusingly appropriate.
This is actually why it took me so bloody long to get around to making that post about my FR porting experiment. I had originally wanted to do a narrated video describing things, but never found the time or motivation. Instead, I decided to slap something together, call it a day and inflict it upon my readership, such as it is.
The only thing I'll note is that most of the music in the video (which was added through the magic of video editing) was composed by my brother with one small piece by myself. In order, they are:
Victory Fanfare
Here's the Boss
Walking Around in a Fog
Canackian Theme
New Folk Song
Dungeon 2
Merv's Theme
The Reel of the Drunken Sailor
New Folk Song (again)
Elvis Theme
Merv's Theme (again)
Flute Song (I composed this for a music theory class)
Appliance Theme
Dungeon 1
The Reel of the Drunk Sailor (again)
Substation Theme
Freak Out,
final reality,
with moving pictures
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Blog to the FUTURE
With this post we're going BACK IN TIME to late summer 2009 when, on a whim, I decided to port my unfinished game project (from back in highschool) from ancient C/DOS to a more modern Windows-based C#/XNA app. I'd been meaning to blog about the results for some time, but just never got around to it.
Welcome to The Final Reality
A googly-eyed alien, though he doesn't seem the friendly sort.
Porting from C to C# wasn't too hard, over all. I had to make some changes to from the DOS-based "I get the whole machine to myself so I don't have to play nice" approach to the multi-tasking based Windows approach, but that went fairly smoothly. I was able to poach some code from my QRT project to handle rendering, so that was fairly easy as well. The first main challenge I came across was that I had the wrong version of the code.
It'll make you glow. Blue magic does silly stuff like that. And yes, the menu is supposed to be aged dot-matrix printer paper.

The project was (still is, I suppose) meant to be a parody of the Final Fantasy series in particular and of RPGs in general. The graphics were all created by me (and, I admit, they're not particularly fantastic) though were sometimes based on other things. However, I'm not going to talk much about the game itself or its storied history. Rather, I'm going to talk about how much my coding sucked back in highschool and some about the porting process. Though I will include lots of screenshots. Yay!

Porting from C to C# wasn't too hard, over all. I had to make some changes to from the DOS-based "I get the whole machine to myself so I don't have to play nice" approach to the multi-tasking based Windows approach, but that went fairly smoothly. I was able to poach some code from my QRT project to handle rendering, so that was fairly easy as well. The first main challenge I came across was that I had the wrong version of the code.

Somehow, I seem to have lost the most recent version of the code which was missing some things like object animations (which I put back in) and some menu and inventory stuff (which I did not). This caused a problem because the data files were for the most recent version of the code (I still have a working version of the most recent executable...)
This caused a problem because, in the main program file, there is what is called a "magic number" hard coded telling the game the position in the data file where it should start loading from when the game first starts and, because the version of the code I had was out of date, this number was wrong, thus resulting in reading essentially random junk from the data file.
The Tower of Harmony: what's with all the musical instruments laying around?
Fortunately, once I'd diagnosed the problem, I had enough of my old notes from highschoool sitting around (I am something of a pack rat) that I was able to deduced what the correct magic number was supposed to be. But this is a somewhat extreme example of one of the things that was horrible about my coding back then: way too many things hard coded. I've gotten much, much better about this over the years.
The clinic in the Elf Town. The names of the Elves in the clinic were taken from Tolkien's elvish languages and all mean things like "sickly" and so forth.
Other problems with my code were, perhaps, less severe but still annoying. My style was poor, formatting was bad, comments were lack luster or missing altogether, things were not nearly as organized as they should have been. Again, I've improved greatly in these areas over the years. I think switching to object-oriented languages like C++ and C# have helped tremendously and, these days, I put a lot more effort into structuring and organizing my code well.
In the music club The Wailing Cat. For some reason, the idea of cats being famous musicians amuses me.
This caused a problem because, in the main program file, there is what is called a "magic number" hard coded telling the game the position in the data file where it should start loading from when the game first starts and, because the version of the code I had was out of date, this number was wrong, thus resulting in reading essentially random junk from the data file.

Fortunately, once I'd diagnosed the problem, I had enough of my old notes from highschoool sitting around (I am something of a pack rat) that I was able to deduced what the correct magic number was supposed to be. But this is a somewhat extreme example of one of the things that was horrible about my coding back then: way too many things hard coded. I've gotten much, much better about this over the years.

Other problems with my code were, perhaps, less severe but still annoying. My style was poor, formatting was bad, comments were lack luster or missing altogether, things were not nearly as organized as they should have been. Again, I've improved greatly in these areas over the years. I think switching to object-oriented languages like C++ and C# have helped tremendously and, these days, I put a lot more effort into structuring and organizing my code well.

As mentioned, some restructuring of code needed to be done in moving from a DOS to Windows based environments, but I was able to borrow some of my code from my QRT project so that made the switch fairly easy. However, since in C#, everything has to be in a class (unlike C/C++ which can have free floating functions), some extra restructuring was needed. I had originally thought of actually reorganizing everything so that it was actually well coded, but quickly decided this wasn't worth the effort. Essentially, each code file became its own class with all public members for easy access. (Don't worry if you don't understand the programmer-speak, the main thing is I took the easy way out since I wasn't going to do anything with the code beyond a simple port.)
Back when I was creating all the graphics, data files and whatnot, I had several independent tools for creating various resources - a graphics editor, map editor, item and dialog editor (which I think were just programs with the data hard coded that then wrote data files) - which I then assembled via a semi-automatic resource compiler (I still had to input several things manually). It was all rather archaic. This is one area where the QRT project is definately going to improve upon by having a whole integrated IDE and overall much more data driven approach which will make creating RPGs much easier (not to mention everything will be much more reusable).

The graphics for house interiors were based on the house I lived in at the time. That's the clock I made in shop class.
That's really all I have to say about my little porting project and the crappiness of my coding back in highschool. As I've said, I've improved a lot since then (lots of additional experience under my belt) and my QRT project, as a result, will be much better designed and will be much more flexible and will be capable of a lot more overall.

A multi-layered tech dungeon. I liked multi-layered maps. Note the Star Trek styled replicator thing.
In town, even pedestrians have to obey stop signs. Anachronism? What's that?
In the tech dungeon it's Quasi Cola! One of those little tidbits. Not sure why since I don't actually like cola that much.
One other thing that did give me a bit of a problem when porting was with text and dialog. Back in the DOS days (and even up until more recently), text was commonly just 8-bit ASCII by default. In C#, everything is unicode by default. This caused a bit of a problem because I was using certain ASCII codes to represent special symbols (item icons, for example) which didn't always translate as expected in unicode. So I had to put special checks in for some symbols, but I don't think I caught them all because the port occasionally crashes when opening certain treasure chests. Oops.


That's really all I have to say about my little porting project and the crappiness of my coding back in highschool. As I've said, I've improved a lot since then (lots of additional experience under my belt) and my QRT project, as a result, will be much better designed and will be much more flexible and will be capable of a lot more overall.


Hopefully I haven't bored anyone who's bothered to read this too much (I hope the pictures helped!), I've blathered on so long basically as an excuse to use as many screen shots as possible. I've mentioned QRT a few times and I'm still planning on blogging specifically about that project, eventually, whenever I get around to it. Until then, I'll just leave you with a few more screen shots.


final reality,
with pictures
Monday, November 1, 2010
Grab Bag
Today I actually started doing some programming related to my research. Nothing exciting yet, just laying down some groundwork. And, of course, since it's just getting started, it may all end up getting discarded before the end anyway. Who knows! I sure don't!
In much less exciting news, I will be going off to proctor in about ten minutes or so. I've probably said it before and shall no doubt say it again, but I - hate - proctoring.
Well, that is all for the present.
Freak Out,
Today I actually started doing some programming related to my research. Nothing exciting yet, just laying down some groundwork. And, of course, since it's just getting started, it may all end up getting discarded before the end anyway. Who knows! I sure don't!
In much less exciting news, I will be going off to proctor in about ten minutes or so. I've probably said it before and shall no doubt say it again, but I - hate - proctoring.
Well, that is all for the present.
Freak Out,
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Math on Wheels
On the way to school this morning I saw a car that was very solidly pink. It stood out because it's not the sort of thing one sees every day - certainly not a common colour for a car. Its license plate also had the word "PINK" in it, so I guess the driver must really like pink.
Freak Out,
Freak Out,
Monday, October 18, 2010
Grinding for Fun and Profit
I spent much of my weekend grinding in some fashion - mostly either marking assignments or by staining a fence. Neither was particularly "fun" nor "profitable" (though I suppose I do get paid for marking, though not enough) and I didn't even go up a level. Oh well. Fence staining was slightly more fun than marking since it at least got me outside on a pleasant day and did involve some interaction with friends, so it wasn't all bad.
I'm TAing one of the first year CS courses again this term which mostly involves marking assignments. I've TA'd this course before and it's about as boring as I remember. Somehow, marks seem to be worse than the last time I TA'd this course, though it could be that the online system we're using for marking makes it easier to be pickier about things over all. Meh, whatever.
Today, I'm actually doing some research related work, mostly some planning and reviewing before I dive into coding something. Part of this involved digging out some manga and skimming through it. I think it's pretty awesome that I can read comics and justify it as "work".
Freak Out,
I'm TAing one of the first year CS courses again this term which mostly involves marking assignments. I've TA'd this course before and it's about as boring as I remember. Somehow, marks seem to be worse than the last time I TA'd this course, though it could be that the online system we're using for marking makes it easier to be pickier about things over all. Meh, whatever.
Today, I'm actually doing some research related work, mostly some planning and reviewing before I dive into coding something. Part of this involved digging out some manga and skimming through it. I think it's pretty awesome that I can read comics and justify it as "work".
Freak Out,
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
In The Works
Over a year ago, in my comic-based post (which I really should do again some time), I mentioned my QRT project and implied that I would write more about it in the "near" future. Well, it's been a while and the post has not yet appeared. And before anyone gets their hopes up, this isn't that post either.
However, I have been making progress on the project and recently got to the point where I can now script talking to NPCs - sort of. I haven't implemented the conversation system that I plan to do eventually, so for now it's really just displaying simple text boxes but hey, it's something! This also means that QRT can almost do everything that FR could back in highschool, and is much better implemented and far more flexible to boot. So, yay!
I shall no doubt talk more about this "soon" (possibly more than anyone really wants to hear about) and hopefully "soon" will actually mean soon, this time, and not a year or more.
Freak Out,
However, I have been making progress on the project and recently got to the point where I can now script talking to NPCs - sort of. I haven't implemented the conversation system that I plan to do eventually, so for now it's really just displaying simple text boxes but hey, it's something! This also means that QRT can almost do everything that FR could back in highschool, and is much better implemented and far more flexible to boot. So, yay!
I shall no doubt talk more about this "soon" (possibly more than anyone really wants to hear about) and hopefully "soon" will actually mean soon, this time, and not a year or more.
Freak Out,
Thursday, September 30, 2010
This Just In!
Hey! Today is the last day of September.
Just thought I'd let everyone know.
Freak Out,
(This message brought to you by the committee for inflating post counts.)
Just thought I'd let everyone know.
Freak Out,
(This message brought to you by the committee for inflating post counts.)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Road Goes Ever On
I recently completed my "20th anniversary" read through of The Lord of the Rings (save for the appendices which won't take long) that I began back on the 20th anniversary of receiving The Fellowship of the Ring and The Hobbit for Christmas (commemorated in this post).
I do not recall when I finished my very first read through of The Lord of the Rings as I don't remember whether or not I received The Return of the King for Easter or my birthday. If it was for my birthday (as seems most likely since I do recall that I got The Two Towers for Easter) then I probably wasn't too far off my original finishing date either, but that's just guesswork on my part.
Obviously, I took my time reading, but I've had other distractions along the way such as course projects and also read Tolkien's take on a couple of old Norse legends (in "The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun") somewhere in there.
Still, I enjoyed The Lord of the Rings as much as I always do. Certain things always seem to affect me in some way - like the Ride of the Rohirrim, Eowyn facing down the lord of the Nazgul and Frodo slowly having his mind eaten away by the ring as they approach Mount Doom, just to name a few.
I often also seem to pick up on something new each time I read the book. This time, it was from the final chapter "The Grey Havens" when Sam is agonizing over what to name his first child (a daughter), Frodo suggests naming her Elanor, after the flowers in Lothlorien, meaning "sun-star" as he says. That made me go "Huh! That is actually what that means..." If my readers will allow some linguistics, in Tolkien's elvish, "el" is "star", found in such names as "Elbereth" (star queen) or "Elrond" (star dome - if memory serves) and "anor" is "sun" as in "Minas Anor" (tower of the sun), the original name of Minas Tirith.
Anywho, as always I have enjoyed my latest journey through Middle-Earth, one which I shall no doubt undertake again in the future.
Freak Out,
I do not recall when I finished my very first read through of The Lord of the Rings as I don't remember whether or not I received The Return of the King for Easter or my birthday. If it was for my birthday (as seems most likely since I do recall that I got The Two Towers for Easter) then I probably wasn't too far off my original finishing date either, but that's just guesswork on my part.
Obviously, I took my time reading, but I've had other distractions along the way such as course projects and also read Tolkien's take on a couple of old Norse legends (in "The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun") somewhere in there.
Still, I enjoyed The Lord of the Rings as much as I always do. Certain things always seem to affect me in some way - like the Ride of the Rohirrim, Eowyn facing down the lord of the Nazgul and Frodo slowly having his mind eaten away by the ring as they approach Mount Doom, just to name a few.
I often also seem to pick up on something new each time I read the book. This time, it was from the final chapter "The Grey Havens" when Sam is agonizing over what to name his first child (a daughter), Frodo suggests naming her Elanor, after the flowers in Lothlorien, meaning "sun-star" as he says. That made me go "Huh! That is actually what that means..." If my readers will allow some linguistics, in Tolkien's elvish, "el" is "star", found in such names as "Elbereth" (star queen) or "Elrond" (star dome - if memory serves) and "anor" is "sun" as in "Minas Anor" (tower of the sun), the original name of Minas Tirith.
Anywho, as always I have enjoyed my latest journey through Middle-Earth, one which I shall no doubt undertake again in the future.
Freak Out,
Friday, August 27, 2010
Cape-Freak Vs. The Internets
Hmm. Well, ok, so I'm not actually going up against the internets or anything. The title of today's post is simple a clever, clever play on the Scott Pilgrim movie title. *shifty eyes* What? I am to clever. *pout*
But anywho, the main point here is to say that I saw "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World" last week and quite enjoyed it. I'm not going to get into too many specifics at the moment since you really should go out and see it - if you like comics and/or games you'll probably enjoy it - I'm just going to limit my comments to one or two things that I particularly liked.
Visually, I really liked the comic book style sound effects that they used and think they really worked well. In a way, it's kind of like the old 60s Batman show (at least I think it was from the 60s, that was before my time) but obviously much better integrated to the point where it just seemed natural.
Some of the video game references were also quite good, some audio as well as visual - some Legend of Zelda music plays briefly during the opening scene. Fun stuff.
The movie also has a lot of Canadian content. It's based on a comic book by a Canadian author, set and filmed in Toronto, has at least some Canadian actors and also has some close-ups of Canadian coinage, among other things.
I am certainly quite interested in getting the original comics now, so that's something I'll have to look into.
It seems I've been babbling on for long enough now so I think I'll take the opportunity to sign out.
Oh, by the way, also google "Scott Pilgrim vs the Animation" - it's not a spoiler for the movie (but is related to it) so it's safe to look up even if you haven't seen the movie yet.
Freak Out,
But anywho, the main point here is to say that I saw "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World" last week and quite enjoyed it. I'm not going to get into too many specifics at the moment since you really should go out and see it - if you like comics and/or games you'll probably enjoy it - I'm just going to limit my comments to one or two things that I particularly liked.
Visually, I really liked the comic book style sound effects that they used and think they really worked well. In a way, it's kind of like the old 60s Batman show (at least I think it was from the 60s, that was before my time) but obviously much better integrated to the point where it just seemed natural.
Some of the video game references were also quite good, some audio as well as visual - some Legend of Zelda music plays briefly during the opening scene. Fun stuff.
The movie also has a lot of Canadian content. It's based on a comic book by a Canadian author, set and filmed in Toronto, has at least some Canadian actors and also has some close-ups of Canadian coinage, among other things.
I am certainly quite interested in getting the original comics now, so that's something I'll have to look into.
It seems I've been babbling on for long enough now so I think I'll take the opportunity to sign out.
Oh, by the way, also google "Scott Pilgrim vs the Animation" - it's not a spoiler for the movie (but is related to it) so it's safe to look up even if you haven't seen the movie yet.
Freak Out,
Monday, August 2, 2010
Marking Sucks
So, after not having posted in a while, I return to complain about being a TA! Excitement! Well, there are a few other details, but first with the complaining!
For the course that I'm TAing this term, the people in charge decided that each TA would mark an entire assignment, by themselves. Thus I have found myself, over this long weekend, spending a lot of time marking assignments which really sucks. As I've no doubt mentioned before, marking is generally boring and this assignment has been really painful to mark. First, the course material is not in my area of interest (thus I don't particularly care for it much) and second, most of the questions are actually hard to mark because they're the sort of thing where one has to try and follow the student's train of thought which is not always easy, especially since I do try to figure out what the students are trying to do and give part-marks rather than just put in a big X when something's wrong.
On the plus side, since I only mark one assignment it means I haven't had to do TA work for most of the term (besides the midterm), but I honestly think this is too much for one person to do in any reasonable amount of time and I think I'd prefer having the pain spread out a bit. Having each TA do half the marking for two assignments would, I think, be a better arrangement.
In less complainy news, I discovered a new recipe last night! Its from the (now much abused) cook book that I've had for ages and is a recipe for hamburger-vegetable soup. It turned out quite tastey and is definitely going on my will-make-again list.
I also managed to sneak in a little bit of work on the QRT project this weekend despite the marking (and some FASS work today), which I really must write about in more detail sometime, and not just because I said I would about a year ago and never did.
Well, that's all for the present.
Freak Out,
For the course that I'm TAing this term, the people in charge decided that each TA would mark an entire assignment, by themselves. Thus I have found myself, over this long weekend, spending a lot of time marking assignments which really sucks. As I've no doubt mentioned before, marking is generally boring and this assignment has been really painful to mark. First, the course material is not in my area of interest (thus I don't particularly care for it much) and second, most of the questions are actually hard to mark because they're the sort of thing where one has to try and follow the student's train of thought which is not always easy, especially since I do try to figure out what the students are trying to do and give part-marks rather than just put in a big X when something's wrong.
On the plus side, since I only mark one assignment it means I haven't had to do TA work for most of the term (besides the midterm), but I honestly think this is too much for one person to do in any reasonable amount of time and I think I'd prefer having the pain spread out a bit. Having each TA do half the marking for two assignments would, I think, be a better arrangement.
In less complainy news, I discovered a new recipe last night! Its from the (now much abused) cook book that I've had for ages and is a recipe for hamburger-vegetable soup. It turned out quite tastey and is definitely going on my will-make-again list.
I also managed to sneak in a little bit of work on the QRT project this weekend despite the marking (and some FASS work today), which I really must write about in more detail sometime, and not just because I said I would about a year ago and never did.
Well, that's all for the present.
Freak Out,
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Star Trekking
Last night I went to a concert by the K-W symphony orchestra with a couple of friends, my brother (though he's not a Trek fan) and my sister-in-law. This wasn't what you might call a regular concert as the orchestra was playing the music of Star Trek. This included themes from several (though not all) of the movies and most of the television series. As I first started watching Star Trek with The Next Generation (it was still airing new episodes at the time), that theme was, for me, probably the most iconic.
The concert was hosted by John De Lancie (Q) and Robert Picardo (The Doctor on Voyager). The concert, as a whole, was quite entertaining and I was particularly amused when the hosts referred to the Governor General as "The Queen's Grand Negis." Some of the concert goers were in costume (though not a lot) - most were in Star Fleet uniforms though there were a couple of Klingons in the audience. There were also several orchestra members in costume, which I thought was rather nice for them to be allowed to do that.
Anyway, it was an entertaining evening and also quite nostalgic at times.
Freak Out,
The concert was hosted by John De Lancie (Q) and Robert Picardo (The Doctor on Voyager). The concert, as a whole, was quite entertaining and I was particularly amused when the hosts referred to the Governor General as "The Queen's Grand Negis." Some of the concert goers were in costume (though not a lot) - most were in Star Fleet uniforms though there were a couple of Klingons in the audience. There were also several orchestra members in costume, which I thought was rather nice for them to be allowed to do that.
Anyway, it was an entertaining evening and also quite nostalgic at times.
Freak Out,
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